Konvas List Discussions: Sep 2001
- Details
- Created on Friday, 23 May 2008 04:29
- Last Updated on Friday, 14 December 2012 20:15
- Written by Konvas Cinematographer
- Hits: 9572
From matthew Sat Sep 1 08:11:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: CM3 or Konvas answer getting old.
From: matthew zatkoff
Date: Sep 01, 2001 01:11 PDT
Hi Lee, and whoever else is interested.
There is the link to the poloroids we took. I put a little a few notes on
each. The only things we didn't photograph yet are the studio foam in the
inside, the latches holding it together, the final car paint job with
lightning bolts on the sides, and the mount to hold the camera in, we also
built a piece of wood into the bottom for support, and also ended up putting
a piece of sheet metal on the bottom to hold it perfectly steady on the
tripod. It's pretty heavy all together, probably about 40 or 50 Lbs. I
havn't weighed it yet.
Ok, if you have any questions, just ask.
Matthew Zatkoff
From Steven Sat Sep 1 08:37:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: 1000ft magazines a no go on Konvas 1
From: Steven Lyle
Date: Sep 01, 2001 01:37 PDT
Dear Matt: The paragraph about I AM CUBA tells what camera was used....thanks....
you can tell I like academic questions....:) But the fact is as Olexandr emailed
me, Konvas 1 magazine were only 60 meter ones. So indeed what camera
for the 1000 ft one-take (as claimed in the paragraph) that goes from handheld
to dolly back to handheld? A Rodina?
Any takers?
From Chris Sat Sep 1 13:20:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Konvas for animation?
From: Chris McKay
Date: Sep 01, 2001 06:20 PDT
Hi everyone,
I'm wondering if anyone can fill me in on the Konvas' ability to do
stop-motion animation. Can they advance one frame at a time? If not, is
there another Russian camera which might be of use to an animator...?
From matthew Sat Sep 1 17:25:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Konvas for animation?
From: matthew zatkoff
Date: Sep 01, 2001 10:25 PDT
My ostcam konvas has great animation capabilities. It came with an
intervalometer, to do animation I set it to do one frame, so every time I
reset it it shoots one frame. You can do exposures from 0.5 seconds to 1
hour. Anyhow, I don't think the intervalometer would work with a regular
konvas, but I may be selling my otscam is I can get my hands on a kinor.
Anyhow. Try to find an intervalometer somewhere.
Matthew Zatkoff
From haab at excite.com Sat Sep 1 17:27:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Konvas for animation?
From: haab at excite.com
Date: Sep 01, 2001 10:27 PDT
Hi All,
Isn't the AKS-1 an Eyemo copy? Can it do single frame?
And also wouldnt it stand to reason that, given the
relative prices of Russian cameras to their American
counterparts that it would be dirt cheap? Are the
parts interchangealbe with the Eyemo? (Yeah, I know, a
big assumption on my part---- think about it, though,
a Russian copy of a Bell and Howell product!) The Bell
and Howell can be had for like 500 bucks, what about
the AKS1?
Also, what about the 1KSM listed on Olexandr's
websight? Wasnt that used for animation? What would
that be priced?
1 KSM=(cine camera for the making of animated
Motor :Electrical
Speed: 4 fpcs..1/24 fpc
Film cassettes: 400ft (120m )
Lenses: 35mm, 50mm, 75mm
View finder: Reflex
Any thoughts from our resident experts?
Todd Liebman
From Jeff Sat Sep 1 17:44:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 1000ft magazines a no go on Konvas 1
From: Jeff Kreines
Date: Sep 01, 2001 10:44 PDT
Steven Lyle wrote:
>So indeed what camera
>for the 1000 ft one-take (as claimed in the paragraph) that goes from
>to dolly back to handheld? A Rodina?
I don't believe that there are any takes over 400 feet in "I am Cuba."
But it's been a few years since I saw it.
From A. Sat Sep 1 18:27:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 1000ft magazines a no go on Konvas 1
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Sep 01, 2001 11:27 PDT
hiya folks! sorry to interrupt this lively conversation. anyway i remember
there was a website on the Konvas as well as intructions on loading the mag.
will somebody kidly direct me to the website? it seemed that the site that i
bookmarked months ago has disappeared...
From A. Sat Sep 1 19:14:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 1000ft magazines a no go on Konvas 1
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Sep 01, 2001 12:14 PDT
ok i managed to find the commiecam website and saw the latest additions, i
must say that i love Matt's Ostcam! having seen it, i must know where to
get one! btw, if any of you guys here nows more about the Ostcam, do tell
me how Matt's ostcam was able to fit a Nikon lens with it? i tried to fit a
24mm nikkor with my 2 M and i noticed that i have to stick my lens all the
way into the lens port, so what sort of modifications was involved? also
will the Ostcam accept the Konvas 2M lenses? does anyone have any idea
where i can get one ?
From patrick Sat Sep 1 19:19:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Konvas for animation?
From: patrick Steele
Date: Sep 01, 2001 12:19 PDT
Hi all,
I suppose it would be possible for a Konvas 1m or 2m to shoot single frame,
if a motor was built for it. To my knowledge, none were ever produced for
the original models...only the more recent Ostcams, etc. Even if one
adapted a motor to use with a stock 1m/2m, I wonder what the registration
would be. The newer modified Konvas cameras have registration pins, a
feature the older ones do not have. Yu MAY see some see-sawing in the
resulting footage if you use a Konvas without one...
For those of you with the time and experience, there is a great animation
website where the owner shows you how to build an animation motor from an
existing motor to use with a Bolex--shouldn't be too hard to adapt it for
use with a Konvas. The site address is:
Of course, if you take the plunge, let the rest of us know how things turn
As far as the 1KSM, Olexandr once told me that it was used quite often for
animation. The Rodina can be as well. Both of these cameras have
registration pins and good pulldowns. Don't know about the AKS-1/Eyemo
knockoff, though.
Hope this helps...
From Steven Sun Sep 2 11:14:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: No battery pack 1M
From: Steven Lyle
Date: Sep 02, 2001 04:14 PDT
Dear Experts: If I buy a 1M without accumulator or battey
pack (Camera has 15EP motor and power cable) what can
be done? Anything? Conversions?
From haab at excite.com Sun Sep 2 20:20:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: No battery pack 1M
From: haab at excite.com
Date: Sep 02, 2001 13:20 PDT
If I remember correctly, the 15ep motor has two small
motors wired in series above the gearing in the
handgrip, with a smaller "motor" in the bottom part
that generates some current, as the motor turns, as a
means of gauging RPM. If you can match the voltage on
an american battery (which should be easy), and build
some sort of stabilization circuit (either voltage
sensing, or replace the bottom motor with an optical
disc and LED emitter/reciever array for the gauge, or
pick the main shaft for the array if you are using
Tobin stuff), the answer is yes. Any other ideas,
Todd Liebman
From haab at excite.com Sun Sep 2 20:27:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: No battery pack 1M
From: haab at excite.com
Date: Sep 02, 2001 13:27 PDT
Addendum to my previous message:
The 'main shaft', meaning of the camera itself,
making the Tobin controller think its a 1:1
ratio....for exact specs, and what parts are
available, I would call or email Clive Tobin
( http://www.tobincinemasystems.com/ ). (NOTE: I am
not affiliated, nor do I recieve any compensation from
From Steven Mon Sep 3 07:24:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: EP15
From: Steven Lyle
Date: Sep 03, 2001 00:24 PDT
Is this true? Sorry novice is learning here...:)
Konvas EP15
"A thin handgrip-like motor, with power connectors near the bottom of
the motor base. 8 to 32fps and sync at 24, 25 fps. Frame rate not quite
as stable as the 17EP. Will fluctuate slightly. Has been known to become
warm. Seen on newer 1M's and 2M's."
The EP is SYNC at 24 and 25?
From Steven Mon Sep 3 07:28:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Battery alternatives
From: Steven Lyle
Date: Sep 03, 2001 00:28 PDT
Thanks ha- at excite.com for the technical advice about
Konvas batteries. SO...:) Let me get this straight....no
original battery (Soviet made) and the Konvas can't be used?
Novice speaking: Change the plug of the cable coming
from the EP15 motor and plug into power supply 6 to 12 volts DC?
Am I missing something? What is an "accumulator" that
Olexandr always talks about and is it absolutely necessary
to operate the 2Ms?
Sorry for my ineptitude...:)
From haab at excite.com Mon Sep 3 09:19:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Battery alternatives
From: haab at excite.com
Date: Sep 03, 2001 02:19 PDT
Its not the battery thats in question, its the
electronics for that particular motor. Without the
electronics, all you have is the motor. (I believe
the accumulator to which you are referring is another
way of saying the "battery cells".) The 17ep motor
has internal electronics, that particular 15 (EPSS?)
does not. So all you have, essentially, is a housing,
with 2 small motors in the handgrip, wired in series,
and an even smaller motor under the reducer, used to
generate a certain amount of current , which the
controller senses,(different voltages are put out by
this motor and sent back to the controller at
different RPM), so the controller electronics can send
out the appropriate voltage to drive the motor at an
appropriate speed to achieve whatever frame rate is
dialed in at the controller. The power coming from
the battery is DC no matter what....
You could plug the motor in to any battery within
those voltage tolerances, but you would still need to
regulate it. In theory, you could get away with a
simple rheostat circuit in between the battery and
motor, but you would be shooting at approximate
speeds, constant only in so much that the motor RPM
woould be relatively stable, but I would go so far as
to say, nowhere near Sync.... Might be useful for
stock and wild stuff..... Does this 2M still have a
working Tach? It would be worth a shot. Otherwise, if
SYNC is neccesary, you will need to get/build either
that voltage sensing circuit/regulator to keep the
motor stock, or pick up some other electronics (like
the Optical disc/LED array and controller). There are
a variety of options as to what to do. What about
finding an OEM 15EPSS controller from Olexandr or
Viktor? What about Tobin's TXM 12R? You could probably
adapt the electronics from an old bolex sync motor if
you really had to (Again, the electronics could
theoretically be tricked into thinking the motor was
1:1 if the main shaft being read was the camera's and
not the motor's)
As far as the connector goes, 2 of the leads are for
the switch, 2 of the leads are for the 2 motors, and 2
of the leads are for the generator motor. 1 lead is
not used. Under the switch panel, there is a circuit
junction with 5 pins arramged vertically in the
housing, between the two motors. With a multimeter,
you will have to check which pin goes to which lead at
the connector, as the wires are not colorcoded.
Assuming that all of these motors are wired the same
(which might not be the case, as there are variations
sometimes in Russian manufacturing, so dont crucify
me- the rest of the info is correct.) The pins each
join a color-coded wire running from one of the
internal motor components to a clear wire which lead
out to the connector you will be replacing.
On MY motor, (bottom pin is pin1, top pin is pin5);
pin 1 is (reddish lead, and clear lead) going to the
connector and generator motor. Pin 2 is (greenish lead
and clear lead) also going to generator motor.
Pin 3 joins reddish and greenish wire from the two
motors and does not lead out to the connector. Pin 4
is (reddish lead joined to clear lead) connected to
one end of main motor series, and pin 5 (which is a
greenish lead joined to clear lead) is the other end
of the motor series. So, on my motor, if you apply
voltage to pin 4 and pin 5, the motor will run.
I dont have the motor in front of me, so i cant
remember which is positive and which is negative, but
you can stick the multimeter on it (set to DC
voltage) on those two pins, and turn the inching knob
. If the meter indicates positive voltage follow that
polarity as indicated by the leads on the meter. (On
my motor, pin 4 appears to be negative, pin 5
positive, which you would think is the opposite, since
red is usually thought to be positive...) If you dont
get it right, as long as you are within tolerances,
you should not damage the motor. If the motor is going
in the right direction, the inching knob will be
turning counter clockwise (should be an arrow on the
knob indicating this). This applies only to this
motor, without the attached controller electronics
(which you dont have so dont worry about it, but I
still have to mention it), as they can be damaged.
NEVER apply reversed polarity to the Russian
electronics...... If you have any questions, feel
free to mail me off list-
Best of luck!
From Lael Tue Sep 4 04:31:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Battery alternatives
From: Lael Camak
Date: Sep 03, 2001 21:31 PDT
Wow Todd!!!
Good response and thanks for the effort you put into that answer.
I have two15 EP motors and controllers sitting in my shop right now that
require work. The most common ailment is that the speed is not regulated
and the motors run on up past 30fps. Of course, it is either something in
the controller or the small generator motor that sends the feedback to the
controller. Connections all look fine. I have a Russian schematic and even
a Russian troubleshooting manual. I found one device in the controller that
it said to possibly replace, but I don't where I could find it.
I dunno. My guess is that I could replace the controller, as you've said,
with another better controller. The motors themselves turn fine. Haven't
found a solution, though, and I don't have the time lately to work on one.
Yes, a whole new motor / controller would solve the problem but not at
Funny, I have always been told that the 15EP had a crystal. Turns out it
does not, as you mentioned, but instead has this very accurate feedback loop
from the RPMs of the motor to the power output of the controller.
Perhaps a good electrician could rebuild this, but I can't afford to hire
one right now.
I have seen an "improved" controller for the 15EP motor than is much simpler
and runs variable speeds up to 60fps with 24volt batteries. The controller
has one simple board that I know could be duplicated, but I don't know where
to find one currently. Perhaps someone on the board has one they could have
an electrician look at.
Thanks again, Todd, for the descriptions.
From haab at excite.com Tue Sep 4 05:43:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Battery alternatives
From: haab at excite.com
Date: Sep 03, 2001 22:43 PDT
What component/s exactly are you looking for? (The
trouble shooting guide sounds very interesting! Do
they mention a common point of circuit failure? )
Does the small sensor motor output voltage when it
is turned? Can you get positive continuity from the
motor coil? I remember cleaning quite a bit of sand
out of one of those on one occasion (not from me, of
course). Have you removed the c-cover from the top of
the generator motor and looked at the motor
contacts/shaft? They have a tendency to get very dirty
under some conditions.... The first thing I would do
if that is the case is try carefully to clean the
shaft/contacts with a solvent (such as Naptha/
Denatured Alcohol) and then try the test again. Double
check solder joints/connections. If the motor turns
and the coil is still good,then that could be it- A
reduced output voltage from the generator would most
likely result in increased compensation in the form of
a higher output voltage from the controller, which
would give you overcranking, no voltage output from
the generator motor might result in the motor going
wild altogether. As for the controller, does it heat
up beyond what would be considered normal? (That can
affect the components accurately gauging speeds...)
Does it smell funny? (no joke people, when things burn
out they can smell funny too sometimes...) What is
the history of the controller? ... Do you have a good
controller to reference the output voltage and make a
comparison in other areas of the circuit at the
component level? What shape is the DC source/battery
(There is a nice link at this address that can
illustrate how the circuits are put together- its a
FAQ on motor controllers- dunno if you can use it, but
I found it interesting as its for a bunch of
applications in the same vein and alot of the info
applies- http://www.4qd.co.uk/faq/bmnc4.html , also
the company has some circuits that MIGHT be able to
help with rough schematics - the site main page is
http://www.4qd.co.uk/ , it covers basics on controller
types and their applications, and schematics. The
company might even be able to help locate some of the
components (quite a few Russian components, while
foreign to the US, have Western European counterparts,
and some even translate directly from the Cyrillic).
Again, I am not affiliated with these guys, nor do I
get any compensation....:) Cool stuff!
From hans at filmcentralen.com Wed Sep 5 01:42:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: Konvas cameras are hot!
From: hans at filmcentralen.com
Date: Sep 04, 2001 18:42 PDT
Steven Lyle wrote:
> Dear Peter: U were one lucky man...complete kit for 800 buckeroonees!
> 800 today gets you a Konvas 1M in bad condition with rheostat motor,
> I shall keep looking....
Here you have a 2M complete kit starting at $700.
I bought my 1M from this seller (Sergiy) and everything was exactly as
he described. -=Insert usual disclamer=-
Hans Engstrom
From Lael Wed Sep 5 02:49:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Battery alternatives
From: Lael Camak
Date: Sep 04, 2001 19:49 PDT
Hey Todd,
Really I'd like to replace the whole controller with a better, more
serviceable design.
The troubleshooting guide mentions a resistor (I assume) in the controller.
Talked to to some good electricians about it, but since it was Russian, they
weren't sure how to spec it out.
All of the other checks, cleaning, etc are all very helpful ideas and I
appreciate your time. I'll try all of this when I get a chance. It may be
some time as I'm suddenly prepping for too many shoots this Fall.
The controller doesn't heat up or smell.
I don't have a good controller at the moment to test. My battery is in good
condition, almost new.
Thanks for the links. I will spend alot more time there when I can.
Again, I'd rather find a way to build a new variable speed controller and
not get into replacing little components on the existing controller. The
15EP Motors themselves seem to be pretty durable, but the controller design
is very dated.
If anyone else is on this path, please jump in. Or if someone can test the
output and report back on what their good controller is doing it would be
Thanks again, Todd, for all the ideas and thoughts.
From haab at excite.com Wed Sep 5 04:09:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Battery alternatives
From: haab at excite.com
Date: Sep 04, 2001 21:09 PDT
It's my pleasure! If I had one, I'd give you the
reference info you require. All I have of the 15epss
at the moment is the motor itself .... I feel your
frustration though, as I am waiting for three weeks
now for output transistors for my 17ep....
Many thanks,
From Steven Wed Sep 5 06:37:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: 700 now....but 9 days to go....just wait...up up up...
From: Steven Lyle
Date: Sep 04, 2001 23:37 PDT
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Dear Hans....sure 700 now....:) but there's 9 days to go in the auction....
won't stay at that price....It will go to 1500 or so because it has the battery
and controller.....:)
Best regards,
P.S. Sources for controller and battery only...let me know...:)
From patrick Wed Sep 5 17:38:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: I am Cuba Article
From: patrick Steele
Date: Sep 05, 2001 10:38 PDT
Well, I got ahold of the July 1995 issue of American Cinematographer and read the article contained therein on I AM CUBA. Yep, it only mentions shooting with the Eclair CM3. No other mention of cameras. Still trying to find out where that website that quotes using the Konvas got their info from. If I do uncover it, I'll pass it on.
From Vasily Wed Sep 5 23:14:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: anamorphic zoom lens and other
From: Vasily Fursov
Date: Sep 05, 2001 16:14 PDT
Hello ,
Does anybody will be intrested to purchase anamorphic zoom lens
f=50-500 for konvas 1 with two factory machined adaptor rings to use
it with Konvas 2M OCT-19 mount. As I understand using this adaptor rings
will let you use most Konvas 1 lenses with your Konvas 2 camera.
If so, I'll put it on eBay. Please let me know.
I also asking if anybody will be intrested to purchase brand new
(never used) SCS-15 rechargeable batteries (it used in power supply).
For example power supply for 15EPSS motor use 5 of these batteries.
Batteries need to be filled with distilled water and charged
(they was never used before).
And last proposal. I have repair set of gears replacement for Konvas
Please let me know - if anybody will be intrested - I'll start to
prepare these for eBay.
P.S. Does anybody here used 16mm pro Russian cameras? I have kinor 16SX-2M
for sale in working condition with sync motor, mags, zoom lens, and
fish eye lens f=5,9. set of 5 standard lenses also available
Best regards,
Vasily mailto:Vasily at e-trade.dn.ua
From Steven Thu Sep 6 06:59:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Stock...any money in it?
From: Steven Lyle
Date: Sep 05, 2001 23:59 PDT
dear konvas experts: The burning question in my
Can one make a living doing stock footage?
Is it too specialezed....anyone here making a living
from strictly stock footage?
At 50 dollars a minute or more to shoot 35mm...it is a very good
Seems people make more on repairs and reselling
cameras than actually going to Mt Fuji to fiilm it for example.
PLEASE...all experts, commsnts sought.
From manusuys at cs.com Thu Sep 6 08:45:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Stock...any money in it?
From: manusuys at cs.com
Date: Sep 06, 2001 01:45 PDT
Greetings Steven,
On 6 Sep 2001, at 6:59, Steven Lyle wrote:
> Can one make a living doing stock footage?
> Is it too specialezed....anyone here making a living
Depends on many factors. In the mid-eighties I worked as an
assistant with some photographers who made a very big living from
stock footage. Now I work with cinematographers of which some
have stock footage. The principal is the same as with cine footage.
You need to either start with a reasonable large bank of footage or
if not have very specialised footage rare to be found. One of the
guys had over 80.000 photographs only about mountains, from the
Himalaya to the Gran Canyon via Mount Fuji and a lot was taken
on plate cameras. This to say that if I am in cine footage 35mm
format is nowadays almost the minimum format. 16mm footage
shoud either be unique and of historical value. A cinematographer I
once briefly met has some 16mm high speed footage (250 fps) of
snakes catching their prey, so he gets away with this format for his
subject is rare, spectacular and so forth.
It's a lot of work. Continuous shooting, management of your
footage, keeping track of sales, updating footage and so forth. Just
as an example they are from the same subject, exact angle
maybe 10 different versions. Because a client is ALWAYS going
to ask for something else.
Your costs are very high at the beginning unless you work with a
specialised company. Working with a company means in general,
losing a lot on commission, and your footage most likely
contracted solely to that company.
It is also very rare an image bank will commission you if you are
new to them, they will favor their senior members first.
Footage has to have a commercial potential to interest people in
taking you on. It is a very competitive business with some players
around for decades.
Furthermore speed in dealing and whealing is essential. It is a
little like the stock market ;-)
This does not mean it is not impossible. Depending where you live
and the kind of subjects you shoot or are interested in you could
have a quicker chance.
Hope this helps.
Manny from Munich
AC or Focus Puller
From haab at excite.com Thu Sep 6 09:24:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Stock...any money in it?
From: haab at excite.com
Date: Sep 06, 2001 02:24 PDT
Have you ever read the back of magazines such as
American Cinematographer? There are quite a few out
there in the stock footage biz. The networks, ABC,
NBC, CBS all have vast licensable stock footage
libraries. Very competitive. They are all older than
dirt and have a zillion people working for them, all
over the world at their affiliate offices, with an
awful lot of equipment at their disposal. The sheer
volume of all of their stock footage is mind boggling,
but it says something: They must be making a profit,
or they wouldnt be doing it....
Can you make a living on stock footage alone? Depends
on how good your photography is, how much do you
shoot, and is it interesting/needed stuff? Got money
for advertising? Some companies will contract for
specific themes, IE, XYZ corp. needs an aerial stock
shot of the NYC skyline. They go to a company like
(yeah, straight out of millimeter...)e-aerials.com,
that specializes in that sort of thing, then you have
(right above it on the same page) "weatherstock",
which from what I understand employs die-hard
stormchasers, (see 'Warren Faidley') for weather and
storm footage.... there are quite a few out
there...The question is, what can you specialize in
that people need and dont already have access to? Can
you provide more bang for the buck? Are you shooting
things that are in the public domain, or public
figures/Celebs that may not be? Are you familiar with
rights/clearances if you get a request involving
someone else imagery? I would imagine the answer is
yes, you can make quite a bit, but its like any other
business venture, it takes years to build a library,
and/or you end up licensing footage from someone else
as a middleman., or you cut a deal for a referral fee
from another firm and network, network, network...,
etc,.....the ultimate, I guess, would be to have a
substantial amount of your stock footage in a
theatrical wide-release feature, with residuals there
is no telling how much you will make- (I understand
there was quite a bit of stock storm footage used in
'Twister' ), ...Or perhaps your stuff is picked up by
Ketchum and ends up in a national TV ad campaign-
hence a nice big payout. Its not an easy game, but its
also not a no-win scenario..... just my 2 cents, but
I would have to defer to the more venerable among us,
as I havent been in the biz long enough to actually
try making a living on Stock footage alone... Any
Todd 'Stock it to me' Liebman
From Steven Thu Sep 6 12:25:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Thanks all!
From: Steven Lyle
Date: Sep 06, 2001 05:25 PDT
Dear Experts: Thanks for the comments on stock footage as a biz...(that makes money).
Looks like the old saying is true: "Start early and work hard."
It seems to me however that video has taken over from film. What the
majority is doing is there for a reason...because it works and is faster (hello
CNN et al).
It seems that video is quicker (but with suffering image resolution).
I was just wondering if there are enough people interested in a beautiful
shot of world scenes that makes the 35mm movie route worth the
money per foot (meter) and saleable. A good freelance side-line I think is the verdict
from what you have all have said.
Anyway, a Konvas 35mm (with a good zoom) seemed like a good start since you don't have to
lay out the money that an Arri or Aaton would require. Of course the
film and processing and travelling is where the money will go.
(I am Cuba had some wonderful shots as we all know).
Thanks again group.....
From Steven Thu Sep 6 13:18:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Thanks all!
From: Steven E. Fick
Date: Sep 06, 2001 06:18 PDT
The "majority" has historically been wrong about everything.
The fundamental issue with stock photography, as with any "investment" photography, is the ability to archive. Video formats, including digital, can't be preserved. Film offers you a literal image that can be transferred to any future video or digital format. Video (especially digital) translates the literal image into a coded and compressed description. You can only have one image, but the ways in which you might describe an image are infinite. And all are generally incompatible. Transcoding introduces artifacts that are worse than generation loss. Eventually, your original becomes unviable (much sooner than film).
Video is a format built on electronics technology which, like the computer, subjects it to endless mutation. Digital introduces software to the mix, and standardization becomes impossible. The relatively fixed nature of film formats provided the foundation for the development of art. Had the format of "canvas" not by nature been fixed, painting could never have developed as a fine art. However, digital formats are a dream come true for equipment manufacturers who now have a means of selling you new gear every six months. (Unlike film gear that you buy once and use for the rest of your life.)
I'm not saying that digital won't someday replace film entirely. People are by nature stupid and older, better ideas in the past have been replaced by cheaper, stupider ideas. Art and culture has suffered at numerous points in history by the introduction of something "new" (and in many ways inferior). New is not always better. Abstraction is easier, cheaper and faster to paint. And just like the film/video parallel, classical paintings still survive in the museums while many more recent impressionistic and abstract works are already cracking and fading (due to bad technique).
We often forget, Lucas is a billionaire. He can afford to keep up with endless digital format revisions. I can't afford digital however.
From sammy.wylie at wpafb.af.mil Thu Sep 6 13:41:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: ORWO Stock (again)
From: sammy.wylie at wpafb.af.mil
Date: Sep 06, 2001 06:41 PDT
I have invited Ek (pronounced "Eck") Satchler, Midridge Imaging
Supplies, INC. in Midland Park NJ to join this list. Ek is the US
distributor of Orwo Filmstocks. Ek has gone to the trouble of
purchasing a Konvas 200' (60 meter) magazine to see if it would be
possible to offer Orwo stock in Konvas 200' loads on compatible cores.
When Ek appears on this list, his email address will be
vidikon at worldnet.att.net
Ek's address is:
Midridge Imaging Supplies INC.
10 Franklin Ave.
Midland Part, NJ 07432
201-444-9025 voice
201-444-8695 fax
I have no financial interest in Mr. Sachler's enterprise; just wanted
to make everyone aware of this option for filmstock.
In fact, I would like to see other list users get their local filmstock
representative on the list; Kodak or otherwise.
As an International Listserv, I feel it important to have
representatives from ALL film manufactures on this list, so I would
encourage any of you who know reps from AGFA, FUJI, EFKE, FOMA, SVEMA
and other filmstock manufacturers to urge them to join, make their
presence felt and let us know what products they offer for our purchase.
I feel it is doubly important that we actually support these
"alternative" filmstock manufactures, as Kodak could pull the plug at
any momemnt in favor of digital and we would be left without a source
for rawstock.
From Steven Thu Sep 6 14:01:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Good points....
From: Steven Lyle
Date: Sep 06, 2001 07:01 PDT
Dear Steven: Good points: If fast turnaround is what is needed...video does it...
6 o'clock news or your daily soap.
I must point out that film can't be stored forever....if you get the vinegar
smell, then the film (acetate) has broken down. I read this recently.
Remember the old films that suddenly would catch on fire and hence the need
for safety film?
Anyway, the point I wanted to make is the customer must want that "beautiful"
shot that film can only provide and pay as a member of this group coined
"rolls royce" prices (25 dollars a second or more). Are there enough people like that?
I really hope so! :) I hope so so that Konvas et al. cameras can keep on shooting.
From Steven Thu Sep 6 14:04:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: ORWO Stock (again)
From: Steven E. Fick
Date: Sep 06, 2001 07:04 PDT
There's little chance that Kodak would ever stop producing professional
motion picture stocks. Their film division is entirely separate from their
digital operations (a separate company, in effect) and is supported
primarily by major (Hollywood) film production (which still uses film
primarily). Digital acquisition is, like video in television, seen by most
cinematographers and DPs as a disposable format for "garbage" works (i.e.
works not intended for any lasting value, like the evening news). But prces
could rise!
However, I FULLY AGREE with your move to support other stock manufacturers.
As a "low budget filmmaker of works of lasting value" I could use cheaper
alternatives. Plus, like even Lucas said, film will always be around and
used. Perhaps the future may include "boutique" productions. But many
artists, and many projects in particular, will require film for acquisition.
It's still cheaper to shoot a 16mm television production than to do the same
on HD. In many cases, for the same price you rent a Sony HDTV camcorder,
you could actually buy a 16mm camera and get higher resolution. (Actually,
Hi-Def should be renamed "Medium-Def".)
From Wylie Thu Sep 6 14:12:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: Good points....
From: Wylie Sammy F Civ 88 ABW/LCMPS/MPPL
Date: Sep 06, 2001 07:12 PDT
I must point out that film can't be stored forever....if you get the vinegar
smell, then the film (acetate) has broken down. I read this recently.
Remember the old films that suddenly would catch on fire and hence the need
for safety film?
[Wylie Sammy F Civ 88 ABW/LCMPS/MPPL]
Vinegar syndrome is usually indicative of poor storage techniques. No media is permanent, but film sure as hell beats any digital media. Do yourself a favor, shoot on polyester based filmstocks; they have not shown a tendency to go vinegar yet.
Nitrate "suddenly" catches fire like firewood "suddenly" catches fire; it needs an ignition source. Nitrate is flammable, not explosive UNTIL it catches on fire and starts liberating hydrogen. Spontanious combustion of nitrate is very rare.
From Steven Thu Sep 6 14:47:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Good points....
From: Steven E. Fick
Date: Sep 06, 2001 07:47 PDT
It's hard to say. Predicting the future is never easy (too many nasty permutations). You're right though, CHEAP is often the driving force (even over logic and quality). But you've got to consider ALL the costs (including the long-term costs of having to reshoot footage in the next new format). Sometimes, a shot is a once in a lifetime shot (you'll never capture it again in the same way). How much would it cost you to lose that?
You also have to consider the HYPE. Not everything that's being promoted is true. A lot of advertising dollars have been dumped into the "digital revolution." Of course, this is because a lot of electronics manufacturers stand to make a great deal of money (on a continuing basis). I never realized that a manufacturer could get away with outright falsehoods about their products until I bought my first computer. Now, many computer generations later, I still use computers but nothing is compatible from the first to the last (but that's another story). It works. But it's also a game.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, digital is not always cheaper. And we have little choice but to wait and see. How many filmmakers will try the new fad and return to film acquistion? I'm already seeing some examples of this. The new A-Minima sells for a fraction of the price of a Sony HD camcorder. The 16mm rig I use cost me less than a quality mini-DV camcorder to assemble and I get 16:9, variable frame rate, 24p, no compression... Film is more expensive, yes. But it still costs me less to shoot a feature this way than if I had to rent the Sony and edit on a rented Avid workstation.
And then, how do I archive a hi-def file? On a magnetic harddrive? How long will that last? DVD uses MPEG-2. That's not adequate for material originating on the Sony or Panasonic HDs. Where do I put it? Oh, well, someday some new disc format will emerge... Someday they'll cure cancer (that doesn't help much if you've got it today). Meanwhile, Lucas dumps back to 35mm (film).
From Steven Thu Sep 6 15:22:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: I like film myself...
From: Steven Lyle
Date: Sep 06, 2001 08:22 PDT
Dear Steven: All good points again...I like film myself but wish it had a faster
turnaround time at the labs (very needed for stock shots but obviously not for features where
there is the Lucas budget). Also the cost of transfer to video is high (for TV commercials).
I DO like the film look indeed....super resolution.
But I must admit that Kodak can be political too.....the new 5285 stock for example...
ONLY available in 35mm. I have a 16mm movie camera and wish I could get that
stock in 16mm....great for stock shooting and it would probably be half the price.
By the way, a friend in the Ukraine did an experiment and did what you are not
supposed to do....he developed a portion of 5285 in a spiral tank and the
results were good....so that is good news. There was some blue tints in the
blacks but that was because he had to empirically figure out the turning rate.
Once he did that, the blues were gone (pun intended).
Again however, it's gotta sell or you are doing the art for art's sake thing.
All the best,
Steven L.
From l.camak at att.net Fri Sep 7 11:30:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Lucas/HD/film/blahblah
From: l.camak at att.net
Date: Sep 07, 2001 04:30 PDT
Lucas again!?? Ok, first, how many people here really
think Lucas is really concerned about quality? He sure
could use a bit more quality in his storyline
(hmm...this kinda goes back to Matt's email about what
makes a "I am Cuba" good). And take a look at those pod
races in the last SW flick. Notice the great
resolution. Was it because they shot it on Vistavision?
No...it was actually kinda blurry, huh? Oh yeah, that
was the great speed that the pods were going right? No,
it was because they used a software program to "fly"
through a bunch of stills. Not stills as in 24 stillls
per second either.
Ok all you Obie Wan Kaknowbies, please forgive me if I
jumped on Lucas too much here. But my guess is that
Sony paid him a lot to say his famous "film is dead"
line while at the same time they were still shooting
background plates in Vistavision because normal 35mm
film didn't have enough resolution for many shots.
Also, as if he needs it, Sony "gives" him HDcams and
plenty of support as well. I NEED it and where's mine?
I just priced a 24p HDcam at $103k without the $33k
lense I wanted on it.
I do love shooting film, but will shoot with what the
story / budget dictates. I've used HD on one shoot that
would have taken me twice as long with 35mm. Used 35mm
where a HD tape would have frozen and cracked as soon as
I ejected it (-28F). Etc, etc.
Yes, I am looking at an HDcam purchase, but I shoot alot
of stuff that would maximize its use (military
simulation, etc). If I was shooting a feature I'd
probably stick with 35mm or 16mm because of its access,
quality, etc. Personally, having shot HD, I would not
invest in a $25k 16mm camera purchase. Sure I wouldn't
be buying the HDcam just to do one feature, but I'd rent
16mm and probably have more than $20k to spare over its
purchase price. Primarily, I wouldn't buy an expensive
16mm package, because I think HD has it beat in
picture. I am looking at a $8k 16mmm package with new
lenses that tempts me, but that's about where I draw the
As far as archival. Film is very hard to beat. I can
look at film shot 80 years ago or more. Can't say that
about video.
STOCK: Please don't be swayed by the big networks ads
for footage. Yeah, if you're making "Forest Gump 2" and
you want footage of OJ Simpson driving his Ford Bronco
I'm sure they have it, but as a producer, I constantly
have differing needs for stock footage. Sometimes I
need film stock footage and sometimes I need video. If
you are mainly a shooter, try to talk to and assess the
needs of some busy editors who composite alot of shots.
There is alot of footage being used nowadays in
compositing that has opened up new uses for stock
footage. My kids see a great video of Phil Collins at
the end of the Tarzan dvd that have these backgrounds
whirling around behind him. I could do it with stills
or stock shots.
Yes, digital is here to stay. Film one day will be dead
and one day so will I. I'm hoping, though, that film is
first to go.
Thanks for reading my rambling.
From Lee Fri Sep 7 15:19:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Lucas/HD/film/blahblah
From: Lee Gaither
Date: Sep 07, 2001 08:19 PDT
In a message dated 9/7/01 4:31:28 AM Pacific Daylight Time, l.camak at att.net
Correction! The cameras were rented from and modified to take Panavision lens
From Steven Sat Sep 8 08:50:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Not Konvas but for interest....
From: Steven Lyle
Date: Sep 08, 2001 01:50 PDT
Dear Konvas group: Here is the American version of a Konvas....
It says motor.....but I guess it isn't sync...any comments?
From Jeff Sat Sep 8 10:05:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Not Konvas but for interest....
From: Jeff Kreines
Date: Sep 08, 2001 03:05 PDT
Steven Lyle wrote:
> Dear Konvas group: Here is the American version of a Konvas....
Kind of unfair to the Eyemo... remember, the first one was made in the
mid-20s. It predates the Konvas by many years.
Thanks to Frank, I have one of the very early ones (as well as a couple
of later ones) in my collection.
Jeff "the spirit of John Flory lives" Kreines
From Steven Sat Sep 8 12:37:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Is the motor sync?
From: Steven Lyle
Date: Sep 08, 2001 05:37 PDT
Dear All: Follow the B and H link to see the 35mm EYEMO....
How stable is the motor?
I HAD a 16mm 1926 B and H and it worked fine accept for
a ragged edge between frames....still worked at 75 years!
From Lael Sun Sep 9 02:00:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Lucas/HD/film/blahblah
From: Lael Camak
Date: Sep 08, 2001 19:00 PDT
Hey Lee,
I've probably gone off too far in this whole subject line so please forgive
me for doing so.
You're right in that I don't know what he rented or what for the unreleased
movies in production. For the last released SW flick, though, he used the
HDcam that Sony and Panavision had been refining together. It was loaned to
him and since he used it for test purposes, I doubt he was charged for it.
At the time Panavision didn't own a 24p to rent.
Since his tests and later famous quote, Panavision, with great flourish,
placed an oder at NAB '00 for 100 of the 24p cameras. At this point I'm
still suspecting big time corporate sponsorship is at work. Lucas praises
Sony (and indeed at that time he is still using 35mm and vistavision for
platework), Panavision buys 100 cameras, Lucas "rents" 24p from Panavision.
Now I don't blame him one bit, but sorry I can't accept all this praise
without suspecting that there is something in the mix that is greatly
benefitting Lucas.
I've got a friend who worked on the pod races and other parts of the film in
the post development. He confirmed the above as well as Lucas being the
type of person who doesn't make a move without financially benefitting from
it. Nothing to be critical about, I just think his quote was part of the
From Lee Sun Sep 9 03:14:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Lucas/HD/film/blahblah
From: Lee Gaither
Date: Sep 08, 2001 20:14 PDT
In a message dated 9/8/01 7:00:49 PM Pacific Daylight Time, l.camak at att.net
Only bought 25each of HDW-F900 24p
From Lael Sun Sep 9 15:37:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Lucas/HD/film/blahblah
From: Lael Camak
Date: Sep 09, 2001 08:37 PDT
Of course, you can't believe everything you read.
From Lee Sun Sep 9 16:17:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Lucas/HD/film/blahblah
From: Lee Gaither
Date: Sep 09, 2001 09:17 PDT
In a message dated 9/9/01 8:38:08 AM Pacific Daylight Time, l.camak at att.net
Truer words were never spoken????? Not even what you see is not always what
it seems to be.
From Jeff Sun Sep 9 21:02:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Lucas/HD/film/blahblah
From: Jeff Kreines
Date: Sep 09, 2001 14:02 PDT
Remember, at the same time Panavision "bought" 100 HD cams, Sony invested
$10 million in Panavision... do the math!
From peterh5322 at aol.com Sun Sep 9 21:31:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Lucas/HD/film/blahblah
From: peterh5322 at aol.com
Date: Sep 09, 2001 14:31 PDT
In a message dated 9/9/01 2:02:37 PM, jeffkreines at mindspring.com writes:
Remember, at the same time Panavision "bought" 100 HD cams, Sony invested
$10 million in Panavision... do the math!
Hmmm, $10M isn't all that significant as to Panavision's market cap.
Panavision's ticker symbol is PVI. It is publicly traded.
As I recall the "owner" of most of Panavision's stock is one of the notorious
"corporate raiders", not Sony.
Panavision's SEC Form 10-K (annual) and Form 10-Q (quarterly) is available
from the EDGAR system.
As a publicly traded company, any significant business issues and risks will
be disclosed, by law, in the 10-K.
The true owners, the officers and directors, their company stock holdings,
and their compensation will also be found in those documents.
"The Math" is in those SEC reports, which are available to anyone.
From Jeff Sun Sep 9 21:34:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Lucas/HD/film/blahblah
From: Jeff Kreines
Date: Sep 09, 2001 14:34 PDT
peterh5322 at aol.com wrote:
>Hmmm, $10M isn't all that significant as to Panavision's market cap.
No, but it is about the wholesale cost of those 100 cameras...
From Rafael Mon Sep 10 04:32:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: anamorphic attachment for RODINA relsted
From: Rafael Pankratau
Date: Sep 09, 2001 21:32 PDT
Hello everybody,
Here is anamorphic attachment and 2 lenses for Russian 35mm movie
camera RODINA. Start with 350, BuyItNow for $350.
I try to relist camera itself, but after 10th attempt I give up.
Something wrong with this eBay... Will try later.
Thank you for attention.
Best regards,
Rafael Pankratau mailto:rafael at tut.by
From Mike Mon Sep 10 16:22:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: What is this stuff??
From: Mike Prevette
Date: Sep 10, 2001 09:22 PDT
Ok, So I bought a questionable 2M. In the lot of stuff (which I haven't
received as I just bought it last night) are a few things I don't recognize.
For example the second motor!! He says it's a "9EPS", I haven't heard it
mentioned anywhere it has a very unique design. Also All the power
controlers/regulators/supplies. Can someone explain all the plugs and
doohickeys on he face plate? What am I going to have to do to get this thing
up and running in the US?
Many thanks!
From Anders Mon Sep 10 16:35:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: What is this stuff??
From: Anders Banke
Date: Sep 10, 2001 09:35 PDT
Mike Prevette wrote:
> For example the second motor!! He says it's a "9EPS", I haven't heard it
> mentioned anywhere it has a very unique design.
It's a 50Hz Pilotone motor.
From Mike Mon Sep 10 17:27:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: What is this stuff??
From: Mike Prevette
Date: Sep 10, 2001 10:27 PDT
Can it be modified for 60hz?
From Mike Mon Sep 10 17:32:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: 17EP availability?
From: Mike Prevette
Date: Sep 10, 2001 10:32 PDT
Does anyone have a 17EP for sale? How much can I expect to spend? Does Clive
Tobin have a good system for the 2M? I'm not that far away from him, and I
have been looking for an excuse to go down and meet him.
From peterh5322 at aol.com Mon Sep 10 17:33:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: What is this stuff??
From: peterh5322 at aol.com
Date: Sep 10, 2001 10:33 PDT
In a message dated 9/10/01 10:29:45 AM, mikep at bigbangseattle.com writes:
Can it be modified for 60hz?
> It's a 50Hz Pilotone motor.
Wouldn't a 50 Hz generator be used for 24 fps, and a 60 Hz generator be used
for 24 fps?
I supposed it all depends upon the frequency used in the old interlock
distributor systems.
Here in the U.S. these were 1800 rpm (at 60 Hz) motors, and timing belt
drives to 1440 rpm (24 fps).
From Anders Mon Sep 10 17:44:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: What is this stuff??
From: Anders Banke
Date: Sep 10, 2001 10:44 PDT
peterh5322 at aol.com wrote:
> <<
> Can it be modified for 60hz?
> > It's a 50Hz Pilotone motor.
> >>
> Wouldn't a 50 Hz generator be used for 24 fps, and a 60 Hz generator be used
> for 24 fps?
Since it was a Soviet camera/motor not meant for export outside the COMECON,
there was no point making a 60 Hz version. I've never used this particular
motor, but I assume it's 25 fps 50Hz only, or possibly 24 fps 50Hz and 25 fps
Modifying it for 60Hz shouldn't be too difficult, but the question is if you
want to shoot using a pilotone system at all...?
From Rafael Mon Sep 10 17:46:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RODINA on eBay
From: Rafael Pankratau
Date: Sep 10, 2001 10:46 PDT
Hello Everybody,
At least I relist this 35mm movie camera:
I hope, it'll be interesting for you.
Best regards,
Rafael Pankratau mailto:rafael at tut.by
From Mike Mon Sep 10 17:52:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: What is this stuff??
From: Mike Prevette
Date: Sep 10, 2001 10:52 PDT
Just looking for a quick way to shoot some form of regulated 24fps for
sync. Just because its pillatone doesn't mean you need to hook it to
anything, the pillatone cable just makes the audio device record in time
with the camera, but it doesn't regulate camera speed, I don't think, I
could be wrong.
From Anders Mon Sep 10 18:08:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: What is this stuff??
From: Anders Banke
Date: Sep 10, 2001 11:08 PDT
Mike Prevette wrote:
> Just looking for a quick way to shoot some form of regulated 24fps for
> sync. Just because its pillatone doesn't mean you need to hook it to
> anything,
Of course, I realise that. I'm pretty sure it's a more stable motor than the
15EPSS, but I'm also pretty sure it's 25fps only.
From Anders Mon Sep 10 18:14:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: What is this stuff??
From: Anders Banke
Date: Sep 10, 2001 11:14 PDT
I did a checkup on the 9 EPS motor, and I was (slightly) wrong. It's 24 fps
It is in fact a sync motor, synchronised by 127/220V 50 Hz wall current.
This means that A) it's almost as stable as a crystal motor, and B) you can't
use it with a battery, but with 220V 50Hz AC only.
From haab at excite.com Mon Sep 10 18:22:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: What is this stuff??
From: haab at excite.com
Date: Sep 10, 2001 11:22 PDT
If US power is 110-120VAC 60hz, and Russian power is
220VAC 50hz, then would a simple conversion on the
transformer side do the trick?
I have never seen the innards of a 9EPS motor
controller, but didnt all the other models (that
werent "Americanized" by MKA) run off of 220v
originally as well?
From peterh5322 at aol.com Mon Sep 10 18:53:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: What is this stuff??
From: peterh5322 at aol.com
Date: Sep 10, 2001 11:53 PDT
In a message dated 9/10/01 11:22:29 AM, haab at excite.com writes:
If US power is 110-120VAC 60hz, and Russian power is
220VAC 50hz, then would a simple conversion on the
transformer side do the trick?
Assuming a *synchronous* motor, 60 Hz is 1800 rpm, while 50 Hz is 1500 rpm,
for a four pole motor.
Twice that for a two pole motor.
If a governor-controlled motor, in which the rpm is independent of *both* the
frequency and the voltage, then only a transformer would be required.
From haab at excite.com Mon Sep 10 19:07:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: What is this stuff??
From: haab at excite.com
Date: Sep 10, 2001 12:07 PDT
It would be nice to know which motor (internally) we
are referring to on the 9EPS to eliminate any
conjecture... at this point we really dont know... is
it an AC motor? Is it a DC motor hooked up to a
transformer pluggin in DC current from and AC source,
what motor type/voltage/etc.. is it? Only then can we
make any assumptions....
From Mike Mon Sep 10 19:32:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: What is this stuff??
From: Mike Prevette
Date: Sep 10, 2001 12:32 PDT
If you look at the pictures 9bottom of page) the motor comes with its
own case, pile of cables, and some form of transformer. maybe this will
clear things up. Can anyone translate the tope plate of the transformer?
or does anyone have the pinouts for these plugs?
From Mike Mon Sep 10 19:33:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: What is this stuff??
From: Mike Prevette
Date: Sep 10, 2001 12:33 PDT
P.S. Click the pictures for enlargements.
From Brent Mon Sep 10 20:14:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 17EP availability?
From: Brent Finley
Date: Sep 10, 2001 13:14 PDT
I actually bought Clive's last 17EP replacement board
to put in a Fried board 17EP motor I bought from
I'm going to sell it with my 1M Kit once I install the
electronics and get it up and going.
From cedar Mon Sep 10 21:26:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: What is this stuff??
From: cedar connor
Date: Sep 10, 2001 14:26 PDT
I to am a proud owner of an M2 that I just received today. Admitting my
status as a novice, I was hoping someone could answer part two of Mike's
question. The set I received is the same as MikeÕs minus the battery
cells and the extra motor.
Cedar Connor
"Also All the power controlers/regulators/supplies. Can someone explain
all the plugs and doohickeys on the face plate? What am I going to have
to do to get this thing up and running in the US?"
From Anders Tue Sep 11 11:30:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: What is this stuff??
From: Anders Banke
Date: Sep 11, 2001 04:30 PDT
Mike Prevette wrote:
> Can anyone translate the tope plate of the transformer?
>From the left, top row: 1: Out (meaning power to camera), 2: Pilotone 50 Hz, 3:
Light connection (for connection to battery light, probably - the Konvases were
most often used as newsreel cameras).
Bottom row: 1: Power ON (in the left position). 2: 2A (2 Amp fuse)
The big plug to the very right looks very unfamiliar, unfortunately.
Hope that helps.
From Vasily Tue Sep 11 21:41:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: terrorism in US
From: Vasily Fursov
Date: Sep 11, 2001 14:41 PDT
I am shocked by the horrible acts of terrorism in the United States.
And I presents my condolences to American people in connection with
the national tragedy. I grieve about numerous victims of brutal act
of terrorism.
I was shoked seeing TV how people in Palestina celebrate
these terrorist acts! It's terrible. Something wrong with our world.
People must stop fighting for nothing.
I hope all people in thic topica forum and their family related and
friends are fine.
Sorry for offtopic. I really shocked.
Best regards,
Vasily mailto:Vasily at e-trade.dn.ua
From patrick Wed Sep 12 02:13:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: A bit of good news
From: patrick Steele
Date: Sep 11, 2001 19:13 PDT
Hi All, In light of what has occurred here in the US in the past day, I
thought we could all use a bit of good news:
Frank Wylie (co-administrator of the Konvas discussion group and my
supervisor at the lab where we both work) and his wife just delivered their
second child! It is a healthy baby girl, which they named her Claire. I hope
to see her in the very near future. I hope their first daughter, Ella, does
not become too jealous!
Congrats for a job well done, pal! : )
From Lee Wed Sep 12 02:27:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: A bit of good news
From: Lee Gaither
Date: Sep 11, 2001 19:27 PDT
In a message dated 9/11/01 7:15:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
stillsight at hotmail.com writes:
<< Congrats for a job well done, pal! : )
From cedar Wed Sep 12 05:05:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: New Yorker
From: cedar connor
Date: Sep 11, 2001 22:05 PDT
As a New Yorker on this list I say thanks for the kind words. On another
note I have a newly imported M2 that I want to bring up to speed. Sadly
my expertise is in post. To save me from myself I was hoping someone
could direct me to an expert that could convert the camera to U.S. power
standards. I have the charger and cables but no power cells. I spoke
with Clive Tobin on simply having the motor replaced but he informed me
that the motor is long discontinued. Any help in or around New York that
could save me from rental fees would be great.
Cedar Connor
cedarconnor at yahoo.com
From patrick Wed Sep 12 06:34:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: NY Motor Blues...
From: patrick Steele
Date: Sep 11, 2001 23:34 PDT
Hi Cedar,
I own a Konvas 2M with a 17EP-16APK Motor (which is 12V). I received the
battery charger and a battery with the camera; these were of 1980's Russian
vintage. Since the battery supplied does not last more than a magazine or
so, I was desperate to get something else brewing. Here's what I did:
I took the charger to a guy locally who is electrically/electronically
savvy, who converted this charger from 220v to 110v (which according to him
was simply the adjustment of some potentiometers and adding a resistor
inside) and replaced the European plug with a standard US plug. Now, I can
charge the Russian battery with no problem. The charger I own is pretty
simple electrically; I bet in New York you could find someone or even a
camera rental facility that could whip out this mod, no problem.
For longer life cells, I ended up buying a Bescor battery pack that was 12
volt, 14 amp-hour that had a four-pin xlr male power connector attached. I
then took one of mypower cable that connects between the motor and the
battery and replaced one end with a four-pin xlr female. After checking
continuity, etc. with a multitester to make sure I didn't cross positive and
negative, I plugged it in and it worked like a charm! I now have two battery
cables: one standard one for use with the Russian battery and one for my
Bescor pack.
I don't have any experience with some of the other motors, like the 15EP. If
this is your motor, according to Olexandr's website, here's the voltage info
you'll need: 7.5V ( +1V, -0.3V )
I really hope this helps. These mods are easy and if you don't feel
comfortable attempting them yourself, I am certain you can find someone
skilled in your neck of the woods that wouldn't charge you too much to do
All the best,
From eyesee2 at mindspring.com Wed Sep 12 12:37:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: NY Motor Blues...
From: eyesee2 at mindspring.com
Date: Sep 12, 2001 05:37 PDT
greeting all
this is matthew hurley in atlanta ,georgia.i work on all kinds of cine
equipment and am a working dp,owning my own nonlinear editing company, and i
own several konvas camera,s.the battery,s are simple to replace.on the konvas
krs-1m with the seperate battery compartment and controller,toss the russian
wet cell batteries and go to your favorite hobby shop and in the r/c race car
department purchase a SANYO part number DTXC2067 or equivelant 8.4 volt
1500milleamp hour nicad battery.to charge you battery purchase the HOBBICO
AC/DC MULTI FAST CHARGER MODEL 905. a simple change of the 2 battery end
treminals to the male 2 pin in your russian controller/battery holder and you
are ready to rock.now on the KONVAS 1M gray model with the reostat motor you
can purchase from batteries plus or radio shack a 6VOLT 12.0 AMP HOUR
tape and very lite.a 6volt charger is dirt cheap .i put the battery onboard the
camera as it is so small and lite.remimber comrades it the amp,s that do the
work on these camera,s.
see ya
From A. Wed Sep 12 15:17:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: NY Motor Blues...
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Sep 12, 2001 08:17 PDT
i got a 2M, not too sure what type of motor but it comes with a controller
and a russian battery, camera works fine with the russian battery but we
have no way of charging it as it does not have a charger and frankly , i
think the russian battery needs to be replaced as it is rather old. we
would love to replace the battery with a 12v bescor with XLR connection, but
we are unwilling to risk changing it ourselves as we are not that capable as
electricans. so would it be possible for us to ship the controller to nayone
here who can do the job?
From Steven Wed Sep 12 18:07:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Mathew the fixer...great stuff.
From: Steven Lyle
Date: Sep 12, 2001 11:07 PDT
Dear Mathew: You are great! Batteries ahoy!
Let me throw a hypothetical at you....one Konvas 1m with
ep15 motor. Any ideas as how to jimmy-rigg a controller if
one doesn have one?
From eyesee2 at mindspring.com Thu Sep 13 12:00:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: NY Motor Blues...
From: eyesee2 at mindspring.com
Date: Sep 13, 2001 05:00 PDT
greetings chester
do not use 12volt dc on your 2m.if you have a controller,they are almost always
capable of handling only 7-8.4 volts. you will fry the electronic,s in the
controller if you use 12voltdc for very long.see my battery solution for this
set up in my previous message.
matt the hack hurley
From eyesee2 at mindspring.com Thu Sep 13 12:18:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Mathew the fixer...great stuff.
From: eyesee2 at mindspring.com
Date: Sep 13, 2001 05:18 PDT
greetings steven.
as this motor has a 7 pin connector that attaches to the the
controller,you only need to identify the negative pin.all the other pins
are output positive volt d/c of various volts.once each pin has been
identified,a simple in line resistor can be added to any given positive
pin to run the camera at 8/16/24/32 fps constant.its all in the 5 cent
resistor.you need to try a few different resistors to come up with one
for each camera speed.i will take my controller and identify the voltage
on all the female outs and let you know.
matt hurley
From A. Thu Sep 13 12:46:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: NY Motor Blues...
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Sep 13, 2001 05:46 PDT
I am not confident with my electrical skills and, but anyway i havnt done
anything the motor apart from running it with the russian battery that came
with it, one way or the other the battery is going to run out f juice and we
have no way of charging it, would it be possible for anyone here to do the
necesary modifications for me, i can send the camera by fedex anytime
many thanks
From eyesee2 at mindspring.com Thu Sep 13 17:06:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: NY Motor Blues...
From: eyesee2 at mindspring.com
Date: Sep 13, 2001 10:06 PDT
greeting a.chester long
i can change over to a new battery and provide you with a new charge.total cost
to you $250.00
matt hurley
From Rafael Thu Sep 13 17:21:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: new items on eBay
From: Rafael Pankratau
Date: Sep 13, 2001 10:21 PDT
Hello Steven,
AFAIK, some of you have not only Konvases, so I'm continue to inform
you about my listings that may be interesting for you.
Set of four lenses for 35mm Russian movie camera "Rodina" -
Also, I'm wondering - do anyone want to buy Russian 35mm boxed
camera SOYUZ? It seems to be a Mitchell copy. It'll have 3 lenses -
28mm, 40mm, 50mm. 2 mags 300m. Synchronized silent 2-way motor.
3-phased power source. Planned start price - $3500.
Best regards,
Rafael Pankratau mailto:rafael at tut.by
From hans at filmcentralen.com Fri Sep 14 17:37:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: NY Motor Blues...
From: hans at filmcentralen.com
Date: Sep 14, 2001 10:37 PDT
Would a 7.2V NiMH 2.4Ah battery, origianally used in a cordless drill,
work with a controller for the 15epss motor? B.t.w I just got two 400ft
mags from Poland today so as soon as I have a battery for the camera
it´s ready for action.
Hans Engstrom
From eyesee2 at mindspring.com Fri Sep 14 18:16:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: NY Motor Blues...
From: eyesee2 at mindspring.com
Date: Sep 14, 2001 11:16 PDT
From hans at filmcentralen.com Fri Sep 14 18:42:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: NY Motor Blues...
From: hans at filmcentralen.com
Date: Sep 14, 2001 11:42 PDT
Thanks Matt
I found theese batteries for $40 and the charger for $20. So I guess I
can afford to buy more batteries so that I wont run out of power during
a cold day here in Sweden. Du you know what the wattage is on the 15epss
running at 24fps? I´m trying to calculate how long one 2.4Ah battery
will last.
Hans Engstrom
From Vasily Fri Sep 14 21:05:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Konvas anamorphic zoom lens
From: Vasily Fursov
Date: Sep 14, 2001 14:05 PDT
May be somebody will be intrested in anamorphic zoom lens for Konvas
2M and 1M cameras (it has different mounting adaptors). It has rear
anamorphic attachment. Can be used as normal zoom f=25-250 and
anamorphic f=50-500.
Best regards,
Vasily mailto:Vasily at e-trade.dn.ua
From Mike Sat Sep 15 00:01:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Info on Matte Boxes? Lens Support?
From: Mike Prevette
Date: Sep 14, 2001 17:01 PDT
I see a lot of people with 2M's and original matte boxes. It seems like
the baseplate, and accessories are based on some kind of wedge plate.
1) Are there any adapters for standard rods?
2) Has anyone modified an arri or panavision box to fit the konvas?
3) What is the size of the filter trays like in the original mate box?
4) Where can I get an original box, support, and hardmasks?
5) Whats the thread, outer diameter, or size of the standard lenses? Do
any screw in filters fit?
From eyesee2 at mindspring.com Sat Sep 15 13:08:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: NY Motor Blues...
From: eyesee2 at mindspring.com
Date: Sep 15, 2001 06:08 PDT
7.2 TO 8.2.
From Rafael Tue Sep 18 14:37:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Foton zoom lens with anamorphic attachment
From: Rafael Pankratau
Date: Sep 18, 2001 07:37 PDT
Hello everybody,
Do anyone interested in subject item?
Best regards,
Rafael Pankratau mailto:rafael at tut.by
From patrick Wed Sep 19 00:46:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Kinor 35C on Ebay
From: patrick Steele
Date: Sep 18, 2001 17:46 PDT
For those who are interested:
There's a Kinor 35C currently on Ebay. The link is:
The buy it now price is a bit over-inflated, but it's worth a look.
All the Best,
From peterh5322 at aol.com Wed Sep 19 00:50:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Kinor 35C on Ebay
From: peterh5322 at aol.com
Date: Sep 18, 2001 17:50 PDT
In a message dated 9/18/01 5:46:42 PM, stillsight at hotmail.com writes:
The buy it now price is a bit over-inflated, but it's worth a look.
What's a fair price for a 35C?
From patrick Wed Sep 19 01:50:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Kinor 35C on Ebay
From: patrick Steele
Date: Sep 18, 2001 18:50 PDT
Considering I got the Kinor 35H on my web page for a somewhat less than
$8,000US (and it was a much more extensive kit), I would say the one on Ebay
is worth at best $5,000...but this is merely my opinion. The 35c is the
previous model to the 35H and the one on Ebay looks well-worn and doesn't
have recent vintage lenses...and there is only four. Good glass would make
it worth more.
Anyone else? Viktor? Anders? Lael? Olexandr? Opinions here?
All the best,
From eyesee2 at mindspring.com Wed Sep 19 11:39:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Kinor 35C on Ebay
From: eyesee2 at mindspring.com
Date: Sep 19, 2001 04:39 PDT
From Anders Thu Sep 20 14:32:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Kinor 35C on Ebay
From: Anders Banke
Date: Sep 20, 2001 07:32 PDT
patrick Steele wrote:
> Considering I got the Kinor 35H on my web page for a somewhat less than
> $8,000US (and it was a much more extensive kit), I would say the one on Ebay
> is worth at best $5,000...but this is merely my opinion. The 35c is the
> previous model to the 35H and the one on Ebay looks well-worn and doesn't
> have recent vintage lenses...and there is only four.
The lenses are from at least 2 different Konvas 2M camera sets.
The camera kit is rather incomplete (there's not even a bridge plate as far as
I can see), and the Buy it Now price is too high. The original electronics on
the 35C can be rather dodgy - I've had mine rebuilt and they work fine now.
There's also usually a problem with yellowing of the internal viewfinder
system, which will need replacement of the optical parts (which I've also done
to mine). Expect to do a lot of work getting it up to scratch if you buy one.
After that, they're fine cameras, though.
Anders Banke
From Rafael Fri Sep 21 04:42:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RODINA
From: Rafael Pankratau
Date: Sep 20, 2001 21:42 PDT
Hello ,
4 lenses relisted - start from $49, BuyItNow for $100.
As to Rodina camera itself, if anyone needs it, I'm waiting price
Best regards,
Rafael Pankratau mailto:rafael at tut.by
From Rafael Sat Sep 22 04:37:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Quiet 35mm Russian camera "SOYUZ" and zoom+anamorphic for Konvas-1M
From: Rafael Pankratau
Date: Sep 21, 2001 21:37 PDT
Hello everybody,
I have listed camera that may be interesting for you. It is Russian
35mm "Soyuz". Very low noise level (considerably lower than in any
Also listed zoom lens Foton with anamorphic attachment for
Best regards,
From Jacob Sun Sep 23 16:37:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
From: Jacob Lane
Date: Sep 23, 2001 09:37 PDT
Hello everyone
I'm trying to find out what people's experience with svema stock is!
Also does anyone know the current direct email address in Ukraine /
Russia for Svema
From patrick Sun Sep 23 17:31:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: SVEMA STOCK
From: patrick Steele
Date: Sep 23, 2001 10:31 PDT
Hi Jake,
I have never shot Svema 16/35, but would love to. Frank Wylie and I found
contact info for them, and have tried several times via fax to reach them,
but have never had a reply. They only work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of
every week, and only 'till about 4:00pm their time. Viktor Nikityuk has
spoken to Viktor Chuprin of their facility (who speaks English and the same
person Frank and I addressed all correspondence) and has gathered a few
facts for us:
Their color stocks are not compatible with any Western developers made by
Kodak, AFuji, etc.
Their black and white stocks are compatible with Kodak developers (although
some testing would be necessary). Frank suspects their b/w stocks are based
on the old Dupont emulsion formulas.
You may wish to speak with Olexandr Kalynychenko--he can get 16mm and 35mm
black and white stocks form them. Also, he has some technical info regarding
the stocks on his webpage: http://www.geocities.com/russiancamera/
Viktor Nikityuk may also be able to help. His email is: nikitiuk27 at yahoo.com
I am not aware of any email address for Svema, but here is the contact info
Frank and I use:
Svema Production Association
1 Gagarina St.
41100, Shoshtka
Sumy Reigon
Tel. (05449) 2-12-72
Fax (05449) 2-25-26
hope this helps. Good luck and let us know how things go, if you decide to
contact them!
All the Best,
From chrisappelt at compuserve.de Sun Sep 23 22:51:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: ORWO b&w negative stock
From: chrisappelt at compuserve.de
Date: Sep 23, 2001 15:51 PDT
There seem to be quite a few people looking for good b&w stock.
May I recommend to you this URL:
After the two parts of Germany were reunited, the ORWO factory in Wolfen
(former German Democratic Republic) continued to offer their 35+16mm
film stocks. Then there was no more ORWO stock, and it seemed that we
were stuck with Kodak b&w cine film which I do not like. It is quite
expensive and does not look as good as it used to 20 years ago. Less
silver or something like that, I suppose.
Anyway, I shot a feature film on ORWO negative and liked it very much.
They have a 80 ASA/20 DIN and a 400 ASA/27 DIN negative. The latter I do
not know, but its predecessor (NP27) was quite grainy. But the 80 ASA
film gives the kind of black and white we would like to see more often.
Also, the stock is cheaper than Kodak and they carry duplicate films and
positive print film as well. This positive is great for making hicon
titles, experimentation with strange developing techniques and a lot
Just take a look at the web site. Maybe some of those interested could
get together and make a large order to keep freight costs down?
Happy moviemaking!
From cedar Mon Sep 24 23:07:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: NY Motor Blues...
From: cedar connor
Date: Sep 24, 2001 16:07 PDT
Hi to all who helped with my motor dilemma,
For anyone thatÕs interested I went to Duall Camera here in NYC. They
were able to convert the camera and hook me up with a battery while I
waited. For anyone electrically challenged like me, I recommend them.
Thanks Again
Cedar Connor
cedarconnor at yahoo.com
From A. Tue Sep 25 11:51:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: NY Motor Blues...
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Sep 25, 2001 04:51 PDT
Hello Again
My apologies as it took a while for me to respond to your offer and yes we
would like to have you work on the modifications for our Konvas motor with a
proper XLR socket and the appropriate battery, kindly email me your mailing
address and also should i just send the motor and controller or should i
also include the camera body? we can ship the motor to you via fedex.
From eyesee2 at mindspring.com Tue Sep 25 12:10:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: NY Motor Blues...
From: eyesee2 at mindspring.com
Date: Sep 25, 2001 05:10 PDT
greetings A.CHESTER ONG
you may send just the motor and controller.
send to,
From Ray Wed Sep 26 05:17:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
From: Ray T
Date: Sep 25, 2001 22:17 PDT
I seem to recall when the Krasnogorsk K-3 hit our shores in the early
90's it had problems handling western film stocks due to a difference in
the pitch of the K-3's pull down claw. It was adjusted for Eastern Bloc
filmstock. Does anyone know if this would work in reverse with the Svema
stock (or any Eastern Bloc stock) in a western camera (Arriflex)? Any
problems running it in non-Russian cameras?
From Christian Wed Sep 26 08:43:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
From: Christian Locke
Date: Sep 26, 2001 01:43 PDT
Hi Ray,
in opposite to 35mm film-stock, where Swema used for their negative-films
the different positiv-perforation there is no difference between western and
eastern 16mm film-stock!
I myself use some Kinor 16 CX 1/2M. I filmed with Kodak/Fuji/Orwo ... no
For better understanding .... The Kinors have also a registartion-pin..
So the only problem can be in your camera ... the K-3 was sold as a
consumer-camera ...
... with also a russian consumer-standart ... some of them work, some of
them you can waste...
Greetings from Cologne, Germany
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