Konvas List Beginnings: Dec 2000 - Mar 2001
- Details
- Created on Thursday, 22 May 2008 17:31
- Last Updated on Friday, 14 December 2012 20:15
- Written by Konvas Cinematographer
- Hits: 6558
From Wylie Fri Dec 15 21:29:00 2000
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Howdy
From: Wylie Sammy F Civ 88 ABW/LCMPS/MPPL
Date: Dec 15, 2000 13:29 PST
Welcome to the Konvas Users List.
I started this list in the hope that information on these cameras could be shared among users; the best source for practical knowledge about any camera system.
There are only 3 people on the list at the moment (I have my work and home email registered), but if we spread the word, hopefully there will be a few more.
By way of introduction, and to get the ball-rolling, I own a Konvas 2M 35mm reflex, crystal camera with 4 primes, 6 mags and matte box/accessories which works wonderfully.
Pat Steele (also on this list) has a similar rig and has gathered together information on Russian Cameras at:
so be sure to visit.
I have been gathering a number of URLs for other Russian Camera sources and hope to either have a small links page, or talk Pat into putting them on his web site.
Any opening topics that we should start on?
BTW: my home email is commiecam2000 at yahoo.com
S. Frank Wylie
Laboratory Supervisor
Library of Congress
Motion Picture Preservation Laboratory
All opinions expressed are my own and do not represent the official view of the Library of Congress
From Frank Wed Jan 3 02:06:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Konvas List Information and Hello
From: Frank Wylie
Date: Jan 02, 2001 18:06 PST
Hello All,
Since establishing this list, I haven't really had
time to promote it on Usenet Newsgroups and such, so
we have a low subscriber base.
Now that I can devote a bit more time to it, I will
start posting information on how to join this list on
rec.arts.movies and like Usenet groups.
Since the list has had little traffic, I fear that
Topica may threaten to pull the plug, so I encourage
everyone subscribed to mention it to anyone they might
know who would be interested in the topic.
With this in mind, I am sending everyone boilerplate
information on the list, in hopes that you will post
it wherever you can to whip-up interest.
I also managed to kludge together a very primative
home page for myself at
and have an HTML sign-up box for this list, as well as
a link to Pat Steele's Commiecam Website.
I will probably keep my site very primative (NOT like
my old website KINOVILLE that sucked the life blood
out of me!) and basically use it as a links page, with
room for an interesting tidbit or two.
I have the HTML blurb that will make a sign-up box on
a web page if anyone is interested. To see what it
looks like, go to my homepage listed above.
Frank Wylie
Konvas Motion Picture Camera User List (Konvas MoPic
A listserv dedicated to sharing information and
resources on motion picture equipment designed and
built in Russia and the former Soviet Union (USSR),
mainly the Konvas series 35mm motion picture cameras.
The list is open to cinematographers, moviemakers,
gear-heads and tyros of all ages. Keep it clean and
keep it informative!
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
S. Frank Wylie
Konvas Russian 35mm Motion Picture Cameras User List;
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
Join NOW!
"The Camera is a base instrument, you must do violence to it". Orson Welles
From Frank Wed Jan 3 03:01:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Introductions, Please
From: Frank Wylie
Date: Jan 02, 2001 19:01 PST
OK, it's that terribly silly, but oh so illuminating,
time to post an introduction of ourselves on the list.
Since the list is archived and freely readable by all
future subscribers, we should only have to do this one
time apiece.
Yeah, yeah, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want
to, but for the life of me, I can’t understand why you
wouldn’t; It will help others to know a bit about
yourself, where you’ve been, what you’ve done and
where you are headed.
At any rate, I will lead off with a short introduction
to myself in hopes of priming the pump; so to speak.
My name is Frank Wylie, I am a hair’s breadth away
from 40 years of age and am currently the Laboratory
Supervisor for the Library of Congress, Motion Picture
Preservation Lab in Dayton, Ohio. Prior to my
becoming Supervisor, I was the sole-timer for the lab
for 5 years and passed about 7 million feet of B&W
35mm film through my hazeltine and steenbeck in the
course of my duties; everything from Keaton, to
Ulmer, to King Vidor and many, many other obscure
directors in-between. I timed by eye, by hazeltine,
by flatbed and by the seat of my pants; all b&w, no
color, as our lab is strictly b&w.
That being said, ANYTHING I say on this listserv in no
way reflects the opinion of my employer or should be
construed as an official statement of policy or
opinion for the LOC. Just leave them out of it. Enuf
Patrick Steele, a darn good processing tech and
filmmaker, who is also on this list, also works there,
but I’ll let him tell his story.
Before landing a job at the LOC, I worked in both Film
and Television for 12 years (you’ve never heard of any
of it, believe me) as everything from video photog,
director, producer, slow-mo replay, chyron operator,
sound mixing engineer, equipment maintenance tech,
still lab tech, and shot really cheesy student and
no-budget productions (all were other peoples films,
too poor to make my own).
I collect motion picture production and history books
from the silent era, technical books from any era and
have a basement full of cast-off film gear that would
give any sane production manager the hives, but most
of it works.
I came to my Konvas rig via Patrick Steele after
auctioning off my B&H 2709 hand-cranker on Ebay. At
one time, I had the insane idea of trying to make a
silent film using totally authentic equipment from
that era, but parts and equipment are just too hard to
come by, or take far too long to build, so I abandoned
that idea for now. Perhaps, sometime in the future...
For now, I have resigned myself to being an incurable
gear-head and tyro after official hours at the lab.
Perhaps my clouded brain will clear someday and allow
myself to finish several scripts and shoot a no-budget
film for myself; time will tell.
Anyway, that’s probably more than you want to know,
but I did say I would lead-off with my bio and I did.
Now, its your turn...
S. Frank Wylie
Konvas Russian 35mm Motion Picture Cameras User List;
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
Join NOW!
"The Camera is a base instrument, you must do violence to it". Orson Welles
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From lael Wed Jan 3 14:46:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Hello
From: lael camak
Date: Jan 03, 2001 06:46 PST
Hello to all,
Ok. Sorry. I've been too busy to post, but here's an initial one to kick
things off.
My name is Lael Camak. I work in Military simulation for a company, FATS,
or FireArms Training Systems (www.fatsinc.com) in Suwanee GA (a suburb,
rather, of Atlanta, GA). Have been there 5 1/2 years now. I shoot
anamorphic film for widescreen military applications and digibeta for small
screen police simulators. I originally started tracking down Russian movie
gear in search of anamorphic lenses. Along the way I found these Konvas
cameras and really liked them. I've shot mostly test footage with them to
date, but have more extensive shooting plans for this spring.
I am very interested in how others have used these cameras ...both the 1M
and 2M Konvases. And I'm also very interested in mods people are performing
to their cameras. First I started with a gray 1M, then I got a newer black
1M, and now I have added a 2M. Whereas I am a user, I think I've made the
transition now to broker as I've brought over several of these, have checked
them out, and sold them. Because of my fondness for the cameras (their
simplicity, durability, and balance), and because of the freindships I've
made in finding happy homes for these cameras, I am a huge fan of the Konvas
1Ms and 2Ms and wish to assist in helping anyone I can who may have
questions about them or their use.
Here are a few developments that I'm personnally working on:
1) PL mounts for 2M cameras - I've found one solid contact at $650 each.
I'm trying to get the price down.
2) 400 ft mags - Again I have a solid contact at $450 each (new). Again,
I'm trying to get the price down.
3) Replacement motors - I've been talking to Tobin about adapting their
motor designed for the Eclair Cameflex. (Currently about $1150).
4) Newer lenses including adapting very wide angle lenses to the camera.
Here are some developments that others are working on:
1) PL mount for the 1M - c/o Brent Finley
2) Manufacturing new extra European cores for the 200 ft. mags - Brent
Finley again
3) Still lense adapters for the 1M camera - Chester in HongKong
I'll let Brent and Chester introduce themselves further.
Ok. That's it for now. I'll be in touch and will leave a Fresnel lit.
From matt Wed Jan 3 18:03:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Hello - From Matt Uhry
From: matt uhry
Date: Jan 03, 2001 10:03 PST
Hi Everybody.
Let me first say I am very pleased to see this list in operation - I mourn the
demise of the russian movie camera list ( on Compassnet ) that dissapeared
a few years back.
I got my 2m from Anders Banke in Sweden 2 years ago with the usual aks, and
some anamorphic primes. I eventually converted the camera and scope primes to
mount ( the spherical lenses are still ockt - 19 ) I added a Lomo 20-120 zoom
an Anamorphic adapter for it which is a great combination. The russian
lenses are quite pleasing on the big screen, a little soft at the edges wide
open, and
somewhat greenish. They are comparable to other lenses of that era,
say Panavision series 'C'
My set of Lomo spherical prime Lenses are very uneven, some are quite good some
I've shot a number of music videos and short films with the camera and I use
the lenses
pretty often on Arri's and Moviecams. The Konvas usually comes along as a
backup and
typically gets used a little bit on shoots and it serves as a "Hight Risk"
camera or
does a little second unit. The footage cuts seamlessly with the other cameras.
Change Crystal Motor plug to XLR 4-pin ( get rid of the other motor ) Now you
can use any battery or cable made for mopix. I like a NP-1 with a XLR adapter
from Alexander.
Romove locking pin and cog from magazines, this makes the camera much
easier to load ( get rid of 200' mags as they are a real pain )
Check film path in the gate - some of my mags had places where the film would
catch, especially on the lower sprocket. You can take the parts from your 200'
and swap them with the parts on your 400's that were made poorly
Take the mask out of the rotating finder. It is annoying, the edge of image
that you get without it is much less annoying.
Swap the camera body screws ( 6 on the back and 1 inside ) for metric allens.
to work with - get stainless ones if you have a good source.
PL mount - If you are working professionally with the camera.
Hope this does not seem too didactic. I really love shooting with the Konvas
also love tweaking on it.
From Wylie Wed Jan 3 18:34:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: OST-19 Mount vs Pentacon 6 mount?
From: Wylie Sammy F Civ 88 ABW/LCMPS/MPPL
Date: Jan 03, 2001 10:34 PST
Has anyone ever compared the standard OST-18 (is OST or OCT or OCKT?) Konvas mount to the Pentacon 6 mount that is found on the Kiev 88 and 60 medium format Russian cameras? The mounts look very similar.
Anyone have the backfocus parameters for the Konvas? I can probably dig-up the backfocus figures for the Kiev series on the Kiev Report Forum on delphi.
If you could make-up an adapter for the Pentacon/Kiev lenses, there are some pretty great lenses for that camera going cheap; like the 30mm fisheye (although it wouldn't be a fisheye on the Konvas).
Anyone explored that avenue?
S. Frank Wylie
Laboratory Supervisor
Library of Congress
Motion Picture Preservation Laboratory
All opinions expressed are my own and do not represent the official view of the Library of Congress
From peterh5322 at aol.com Wed Jan 3 19:34:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Hello - From Matt Uhry
From: peterh5322 at aol.com
Date: Jan 03, 2001 11:34 PST
In a message dated 1/3/01 10:03:45 AM, matt at fuzby.com writes:
Swap the camera body screws ( 6 on the back and 1 inside ) for metric allens.
Easier to work with - get stainless ones if you have a good source.
I automatically do this on my K-3s.
Small Parts, Inc., is a good source of stainless metric cap screws.
Inexpensive, too.
Also, invest in a set of metric taps and dies for the screws in your camera.
Often the manufacturing is sloppy and a quick clean-up will ensure reliable
M3 and M2 screws are the ones most frequently found.
From Brent Thu Jan 4 01:54:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Hello
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 03, 2001 17:54 PST
Hey all,
As Lael Said, I have a few projects looming...
I have his 2nd 1M and am planning on using it to skydive with.
I currently shoot 16mm (photosonics 1vn) and love it.
On to bigger things...
Speaking of BIGGER, I took everything off the body the other day and
felt the weight of just the main block/shutter part of the camera. I
plan on reducing weight by taking it apart and removing metal where it's
not needed like:
1 - the side angles that hold the mag.
2 - the base
3 - the turret front will probably be converted to a single lens mount
that can be changed (ost-19, PL, 1M, Arri) via removable flat plates
with different mounts on them. I'm just hoping that all the bayonets
will clear the mirror. I do not know at this point if the orientation
of the shutter and / or clearances were changed between the 1M and 2M.
If not, this should work.
My machinist is very good and can work in solid titanium so I'm thinking
I can pull it off.
I'm going to use Anatoly's replacement motor (www.slomotioninc.com)
which is around $1500 and can go over 48fps.
If anyone knows where I can get an 18mm lens , that'd be great!
Oh, My kit includes:
1M body
2 - 200 footers (must have for skydiving)
1 - 400 footer (incase I need to shoot action footage with it.)
28, 35, 50, 75mm primes.
1 35mm square front anamorphic lens.
From lael Thu Jan 4 04:02:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: OST-19 Mount vs Pentacon 6 mount?
From: lael camak
Date: Jan 03, 2001 20:02 PST
Chester in HongKong (aka pigdog) has done a similar mod. He's made an
adpter to mount his Pentacon lenses on a 1M. He seems to be using all of
the Pentacon lenses. I just found out he lost his ISP and should be getting
online here soon.
> If you could make-up an adapter for the Pentacon/Kiev lenses, there are
some pretty great lenses for that camera going cheap; like the 30mm fisheye
(although it wouldn't be a fisheye on the Konvas).
> Anyone explored that avenue?
From lael Thu Jan 4 04:19:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Hello - From Matt Uhry
From: lael camak
Date: Jan 03, 2001 20:19 PST
>I added a Lomo 20-120 zoom and an Anamorphic adapter for it which is a
great combination.
I understand this zoom is a great lense. I think Patrick Steele just got
one as well.
> The russian anamorphic lenses are quite pleasing on the big screen, a
little soft at the edges wide
> open, and somewhat greenish. They are comparable to other lenses of that
era, say Panavision series 'C'
What kind of anamorphics do you have? The square fronts or round fronts?
I've got a set of round fronts in PL. Only the 35mm is a bit orange. The
rest are great - 50, 75, and 150mm.
I understand the square fronts hold up better in cold weather. Something
about the clash of metallurgy with the RFs. In terms of glass, though, my
RFs are as good as the anamorphs I've rented from Clairmont Camera.
> Change Crystal Motor plug to XLR 4-pin ( get rid of the other motor )
What other motor?
I agree, XLR is the way to go.
> PL mount - If you are working professionally with the camera.
Have you got any good leads on PL mounts for RF anamorphics? My set cost
abit too much to convert, and I have found a new contact at $200 each, but I
know there's a better deal to be had. I just got another 75mm I need to
Thanks for the suggestions on the other mods.
From Brent Thu Jan 4 04:31:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: OST-19 Mount vs Pentacon 6 mount?
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 03, 2001 20:31 PST
Why would you use a lens designed for a sweet spot of 6cm x 6cm on a 35mm motion
picture camera?
it seems to me that even using old Canon FD 35mm still camera lenses, designed
for 2.4cm x 3.5cm would give you much better sharpness. Isn't a Kiev lens a
step backwards?
From lael Thu Jan 4 04:48:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: OST-19 Mount vs Pentacon 6 mount?
From: lael camak
Date: Jan 03, 2001 20:48 PST
Good question, and there are a couple of debateable answers.
The Pentacon (someone correct me if I'm wrong) was a spinnoff from Zeiss and
are arguably better than the Canons (also cheap).
Whereas, going from a larger format lense downward to a smaller neg is
doable compared to going the other way (say a 16mm lense for 35mm neg.), on
some lenses the sweet spot you get is enough for your negative. Again, it
is a highly debateable issue.
(I keep wondering that all these new HiDef video lenses are really taken
from 16mm anamorphic design. Anyone know?)
From Frank Thu Jan 4 05:13:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: OST-19 Mount vs Pentacon 6 mount?
From: Frank Wylie
Date: Jan 03, 2001 21:13 PST
--- Brent Finley
> Why would you use a lens designed for a sweet spot
> of 6cm x 6cm on a 35mm motion
> picture camera?
I think my browser ate my first response when my ISP
dropped carrier, so another attempt.
No, I don't think so, as the sweet spot on the
Pentcon/Keiv lenses are much larger than the same on
the Canon.
Cinema Gear of LA
(http://www.cinemagear.com/page2.html) has an ACME
optical printer camera modified to take Pentax 6x7
lenses for matte painting, so I think it to be a very
valid concept.
My reasons are more selfish, perhaps. I want to buy a
Kiev 60 and use the lenses between it and the Konvas!
I love the look of those Russian lenses for the most
part. I bought one of the first MKA Krasnogorsks and
the zoom knocked my socks off. I believe the Kiev
lenses are also made by the same factory.
S. Frank Wylie
Konvas Russian 35mm Motion Picture Cameras User List;
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
Join NOW!
"The Camera is a base instrument, you must do violence to it". Orson Welles
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From matt Thu Jan 4 05:25:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Hello - From Matt Uhry
From: matt uhry
Date: Jan 03, 2001 21:25 PST
Hey Lael,
> I understand this zoom is a great lense. I think Patrick Steele just got
> one as well.
yeah, it seems like they copied a cooke 20-100 and added a cool macro funtion.
It's really well corrected for distortion and focus breathing. takes internal
filters too.
it's my lens of choice if there is enough light and I can handle the
> What kind of anamorphics do you have? The square fronts or round fronts?
> I've got a set of round fronts in PL. Only the 35mm is a bit orange. The
> rest are great - 50, 75, and 150mm.
> I understand the square fronts hold up better in cold weather. Something
> about the clash of metallurgy with the RFs. In terms of glass, though, my
> RFs are as good as the anamorphs I've rented from Clairmont Camera.
I've got the round fronts. Never tried shooting in the cold... I live in
> >
> > Change Crystal Motor plug to XLR 4-pin ( get rid of the other motor )
> What other motor?
> I agree, XLR is the way to go.
The other motor is the one that has that control box tethered to it. I guess
it is referred
to as the constant speed.
> > PL mount - If you are working professionally with the camera.
> Have you got any good leads on PL mounts for RF anamorphics? My set cost
> abit too much to convert, and I have found a new contact at $200 each, but I
> know there's a better deal to be had. I just got another 75mm I need to
> convert.
I think I paid around 200 each. Just for the machining I did the design and
the optical part. If you live in Los Angeles you are welcome to come by and
look at the design to see if there is anything that you want to adopt.
> Thanks for the suggestions on the other mods.
> Lael
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join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From lael Thu Jan 4 14:23:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: 20-100 zoom
From: lael camak
Date: Jan 04, 2001 06:23 PST
Hey Matt,
> yeah, it seems like they copied a cooke 20-100 and added a cool macro
Just curious...what is the speed of that zoom?
> > > PL mount - If you are working professionally with the camera.
> I think I paid around 200 each. Just for the machining I did the design
> the optical part. If you live in Los Angeles you are welcome to come by
> look at the design to see if there is anything that you want to adopt.
$200 is really quite reasonable. I may be interested in duping your design.
Thanks for the invite. I may be out there this spring. I'm in Atlanta.
From Brent Thu Jan 4 14:35:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: OST-19 Mount vs Pentacon 6 mount?
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 04, 2001 06:35 PST
Lael, I think you have it backwards.
kiev --> 35mm motion pic neg
is like
35mm motion pic --> 16mm neg
I spoke with Dieter Schaffer at Procam (a Bolex / Switar lens expert). He
helped Century Precison design their screw on wide angle adapter for the bolex
10mm lens.
We were discussing using the peleng 8mm fisheye lens on a 16mm camera with a
nikon to cmount adapter. He said I'd get much better results using a lens
designed for the 16mm because the resolution in the negative area would be much
I guess if it were as easy as buying a 'good' lens at an appropriate focal
length, we'd all be putting zeiss lenses for the 35mm contax SLR and using them
on our Motion Picture cameras. An 18mm F4 Distagon is only $1000
see http://www.aaacamera.com/contax_slr_lenses.html
You can bet I'll be using these when I build that vistavision camera!
Still, I think the better bet is to use what is designed for the exact sweet
spot, anything else is just carrying more glass that you won't use and
potentially, getting less resolution due to design limitations of needing a
bigger sweet spot.
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From lael Thu Jan 4 16:44:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: OST-19 Mount vs Pentacon 6 mount?
From: lael camak
Date: Jan 04, 2001 08:44 PST
Hey Brent,
You wrote:
> Lael, I think you have it backwards.
> kiev --> 35mm motion pic neg is like 35mm motion pic -- 16mm neg
I don't think I got it backwards, but I certainly can. Esp. late at night.
The above is doable (and, yes, debateable). Is it right or wrong? Depends
on what you want (You may want soft), what you're willing to sacrifice
(replacement lenses a little soft at a fraction of the price), or what you
gain (replacing old 1M glass with high quality still glass may improve
By being doable, I mean that in using the larger format Pentacon lense for a
smaller format (35mm) neg, you at least will cover your neg and will get a
reasonable focus with the correct mount. For instance, 35mm lenses used on
16mm cameras will cover the 16mm neg, but most 16mm lenses will not provide
coverage for a 35mm neg because the image 16mm lenses produce is of a
limited size.
> I spoke with Dieter Schaffer at Procam (a Bolex / Switar lens expert). He
> helped Century Precison design their screw on wide angle adapter for the
> 10mm lens.
> We were discussing using the peleng 8mm fisheye lens on a 16mm camera with
> nikon to cmount adapter. He said I'd get much better results using a lens
> designed for the 16mm because the resolution in the negative area would be
> higher.
This is where you are absolutely right!! And this is why using larger
format lenses on smaller format negs is a debateable practice.
A lense is designed, of course, for a specific format. It yeilds its best
image at a particular focal length. If you go swapping a 35mm (mopic) lense
onto a 16mm, you mount it where it is in focus for 16mm. The 35mm lense
then gives you a larger image area than your 16mm neg can take. If, at this
point, your 35mm lense's resolution is of better quality than your 16mm
lense, you've got a good solution if resolution is critical.
Someone jump in here if I'm wrong or if I didn't explain this too well.
Also, I understand (I hope) this concept, BUT I haven't done it myself. I
don't get to shoot much art, the military likes everything in sharp focus.
> Still, I think the better bet is to use what is designed for the exact
> spot, anything else is just carrying more glass that you won't use and
> potentially, getting less resolution due to design limitations of needing
> bigger sweet spot.
Yes, I agree that its generally best to use what was designed for that
format...if I want softness, I'd rather introduce it in other ways. But,
here is where cost is a problem at times. Back to using the Pelong lense, I
wonder if that is one for 35mm (mopic) usage at
http://www.slowmotioninc.com/35mm/14mm.html ...albeit with a few
improvements. Anyone know?
Talk to you later,
From matt Thu Jan 4 16:44:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Speed of 20-120
From: matt uhry
Date: Jan 04, 2001 08:44 PST
The speed of the 20-120 is T3.3 (f 2.8 )
In Anamorphic mode its T5.1
The speed seems to be honestly derived, but I have not
measured it on a bench.
From Emmanuel Thu Jan 4 19:14:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Hello from Manny and Intro Lenses
From: Emmanuel SUYS
Date: Jan 04, 2001 11:14 PST
Live and work from Beirut as an AC I am curious about the Konvas.
Do not own any Russian made cameras except the Quarz double
8mm ;-)
Nor have any experience with them with the exception of some
Optar lenses on an Aaton S16 shoot.
However I owe an Eclair CM3 therefore I am quite curious about
these Konvas cameras.
That's enough about my introduction.
I followed with interest the discussion about the lenses.
What Russian-made lenses do you believe are interesting and
worthwhile to have a closer look at? As said earlier I worked with
some Optars but sadly they are, I believe, only available in 16mm
Manny from Beirut
From Peter Thu Jan 4 20:17:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Hello from Manny and Intro Lenses
From: Peter Ormrod
Date: Jan 04, 2001 12:17 PST
Thanks for your email,
I am investigating the russian camera. Will email you when I know more.
As for oyur Cameflex, I would like to buy one. Do you know where??
Peter Ormrod
6 Place de Nouveau Marche aux Grains
Bruxelles 1000
tel: 00 32 2 5131252
From Peter Thu Jan 4 21:22:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Intro from Belgium
From: Peter Ormrod
Date: Jan 04, 2001 13:22 PST
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain;
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I enjoyed reading S. Frank Wylie's personal story. I thought, good, =
there are other unconventional types out there with dreams of =
re-inventing the silent movie. My dream is to make a home movie but a =
35mm home movie and have it discovered and taken to Cannes. With my new =
Konvas (when I find one) and my short ends developed and printed in =
Prague (80 cents/metre) I will resemble a struggling movie maker from =
the eastern bloc circa 1956. And I am not a kid either - getting on for =
fifty and have been involved in movies for a while but now fly for a =
living so can hopefully visit some of the suppliers of these wonderfully =
evocative cameras. What is about them , I wonder, that is so compelling =
and makes otherwise sensible if not boring types go into reverie. This =
is the age of the digital image for God's sake.
Read about my 500 dollar movie when it hits the screens and remember it =
started here on this chat page.
Meanwhile where do I go get a Konvas?
Peter Ormrod
6 Place de Nouveau Marche aux Grains
Bruxelles 1000
tel: 00 32 2 5131252
From Brent Fri Jan 5 01:28:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: arri lens in 1M
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 04, 2001 17:28 PST
I have an opportunity to get an 18mm Cooke speed panchro for $700.
My question is this...
Has anyone mounted an Arri Std Mount lens (flange focal depth = 52mm )
on the 1M?
what is the flange focal distance on the 1M?
rough measurement is: 57mm
From Brent Fri Jan 5 01:31:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: taking the konvas 1M apart
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 04, 2001 17:31 PST
Has anyone taken the body of the Konvas apart?
What things do I need to watch out for in doing a total teardown/rebuild.
I am going to start working on this as soon as I get my exploded view from
I got the advice on replacing screws with allen/stainless/metric and buying
Also, what is that small springloaded cover to the right of the mag for? It
covers a small hole that goes right into the turret.
From peterh5322 at aol.com Fri Jan 5 01:38:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: taking the konvas 1M apart
From: peterh5322 at aol.com
Date: Jan 04, 2001 17:38 PST
In a message dated 1/4/01 5:32:14 PM, brent at brentfinley.com writes:
I got the advice on replacing screws with allen/stainless/metric and buying
You will usually need *both* taper and bottoming taps, if available. I a
bottoming tap is not available, then just make your own from a taper tap.
An adjustable die will be useful, in some situations.
From Frank Fri Jan 5 02:30:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Intro from Belgium
From: Frank Wylie
Date: Jan 04, 2001 18:30 PST
--- Peter Ormrod
> My dream is to make a home movie but a
> 35mm home movie and have it discovered and taken to
> Cannes. With my new Konvas (when I find one) and my
> short ends developed and printed in Prague (80
> cents/metre)
> Read about my 500 dollar movie when it hits the
> screens and remember it started here on this chat
> page.
> Meanwhile where do I go get a Konvas?
Good to have you on the list! Seems we have a
common-sort of dream/wish/hope in our filmmaking
As for getting a Konvas, have you contacted Pat Steele
via his website? Pat has a good connection directly
to the Ukraine and Viktor Nikityuk, from whom both Pat
and I bought our Konvas rigs. I think Viktor has been
caught off-guard in the sudden explosion of interest
in these cameras and is scrambling to meet the demand,
but you will find him a good man and very good to his
You should also visit Olexandr Kalynychenko's web
page: http://www.geocities.com/russiancamera/ for
other options in purchasing any number of cameras,
support gear and related items. He is the only dealer
I know of that actually offers 130mm square filters
that fit the Konvas 2M matte box!
Olexandr also carries the Svema line of filmstocks
(35mm, 16mm, Double 8mm) and is a very nice and
informative individual too boot!
Other than that, you can find these cameras
occasionally on Ebay and via random searches on a
search engine like Hotbot or AltaVista.
Hope you find a camera soon and will keep my eyes and
ears open for one; if I get a lead, I will drop you
an email.
Welcome to the list.
S. Frank Wylie
Konvas Russian 35mm Motion Picture Cameras User List;
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
Join NOW!
"The Camera is a base instrument, you must do violence to it". Orson Welles
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From matt Fri Jan 5 03:50:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: taking the konvas 1M apart
From: matt uhry
Date: Jan 04, 2001 19:50 PST
I've opened up the camera several times, and opened up a
friends camera. It is not hard. You can strip the camera up
to a certain point ( where you are looking at the main shaft
and the rotating mirror gear ) but that is as far as I have gone,
there was no need to dissasemble further and perhaps I would
not have known how to get it back together. Everything stays
in alignment so there is nothing to fear up to that point.
Just start unscrewing the six screws on the back and the one
that is near the ground glass prism.
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From lael Fri Jan 5 04:13:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Welcome Emmanuel
From: lael camak
Date: Jan 04, 2001 20:13 PST
Welcome to the list Emmanuel,
> I followed with interest the discussion about the lenses.
> What Russian-made lenses do you believe are interesting and
> worthwhile to have a closer look at?
I'm not familiar with the Optars very much. The Russian Lomo lenses range
from very good to bad. Lomo made square front anamorphics, then later Round
front anamorphics. For the money, both types can be very useful. The
mechanics inside the square fronts weren't too good, but most users are
happy with the glass.
I've heard alot about the Pentacon lenses and I think they were spun off
from the Zeiss engineers. If I have the story right, at the end of WWII,
Zeiss was in the part of Germany that the Soviet Union got. Subsequently,
alot of Zeiss engineers moved across the border to coninue the Zeiss as we
know it. But other engineers were exported to Lomo in St. Petersburg, or
stayed at Carl Zeiss Jena in East Germany. I've seen the Carl Zeiss Jena
lenses and they are very sharp. My Lomo anamorphics are very sharp as well.
Much better than the old Arriscopes in my opinion. I've only heard about
the use of the Pentacon lenses.
I've seen alot of variation in the quality of the Lomo spherical lenses.
There are some superspeeds available, but they usually are packaged for sale
with a high end Russian camera package.
From patrick Fri Jan 5 05:23:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: 1M/2M Info
From: patrick Steele
Date: Jan 04, 2001 21:23 PST
Hey gang,
Glad to see this forum is cookin'! Been busy the past couple of days, but I
WILL post my formal introduction this weekend. Really.
I sent this info to Brent Finley tonight, and thought I would pass it on to
the group, in case anyone else could benefit. To recap, I received a Russian
motion picture camera book from Viktor in the Ukraine. It covers every major
35mm (and a bit of 16mm) camera gear that one can think of. It is similar to
Verne and Sylvia Carlson's "Professional Cameraman's Handbook".
In any case, I scanned the parts relating to the 1M and 2M and posted them
for people to download. The text IS IN RUSSIAN, but the images speak volumes
regarding mechanics, design etc. Hopefully, we can get an English
translation and post it someday soon as an html file.
The files are quite large, as I wanted to retain the high quality, so
Here's what to do:
go to http://www.idrive.com
on the lower left of the page there should be a blank that says "Visit"
enter karmitz (which is my username) and click the button
you should be transported to my public file area. Under storage you'll see
the two files: 1MPics.zip and 1Mtext.zip (If you're a Mac user [like me],
Stuffit Expander will decompress these files. If you're a Windows person,
use Winzip).
just click them to download and you're set! Let me know if you have any
All the best,
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
From Peter Fri Jan 5 07:03:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Intro from Belgium
From: Peter Ormrod
Date: Jan 04, 2001 23:03 PST
thank you for your reply. I have not found Pat Steele's website address.
Can you pass it on please?
The Konvas is clearly a very attractive camera but the Rodina looks pretty
useful to and attractive in an agricultural sort of way. I like the single
frame capability and wonder if there any user reports of it.
From Emmanuel Fri Jan 5 09:38:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Russian Lenses
From: Emmanuel SUYS
Date: Jan 05, 2001 01:38 PST
> I'm not familiar with the Optars very much.
I was told they were originally manufactured for aeronautics and
space use. With the break-up of the Soviet Union the
manufacturers no longer could depend on the military therefore
found an alternative route or the stock found a new application.
(As much of the Russian industry)
They don't handle flare as well as the recent Zeiss and are a little
murky at full opening, the rushes are still in editing so cannot know
or comment so far about their sharpness until blow-up and screen
projection. But they are seriously enough to compete with older
primes. Comments my DoP on that feature shoot.
The set that I worked with - belonging to Concordia university in
Canada - apparently already came all the way from Russia PL-
mounted. This leading to say there is a way of getting lenses
mounted in Russia or Ukraine.
I was just hoping somebody on this list had any leads or
comments about them.
>The Russian Lomo lenses range from very good to bad.
> I've seen a lot of variation in the quality of the Lomo spherical lenses.
> There are some superspeeds available, but they usually are packaged for sale
> with a high end Russian camera package.
Is the quality to do with a particular model or is it a quality
depending on wether they were made on a monday morning or not?
By this I mean within the same model there are huge differences?
Appreciate comments thank you
Manny from Beirut
From lael Fri Jan 5 15:16:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Russian Lenses
From: lael camak
Date: Jan 05, 2001 07:16 PST
Thanks for the info on the Optars.
> >The Russian Lomo lenses range from very good to bad.
> > I've seen a lot of variation in the quality of the Lomo spherical
> > There are some superspeeds available, but they usually are packaged for
> > with a high end Russian camera package.
> Is the quality to do with a particular model or is it a quality
> depending on wether they were made on a monday morning or not?
> By this I mean within the same model there are huge differences?
Good questions that require the answer from someone who has seen alot of
these lenses. I have not. I've seen two sets of superspeeds that all
looked good. Also two sets of Round front anamorphics that also looked good
and matched pretty well. I've been told, though, that the line of 35mm
focal length anamorphic lenses are a bit orange and may need to be filtered
to match others. The normal Lomo sphericals are the ones that seem to
differ more. They are usually even across a model, but a set may not be
matched so well in quality of resolution and color. Of course I have not
seen a new set of Lomo sphericals. I've only looked at used sets, and some
with heavy use.
From matt Fri Jan 5 17:05:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Russian Lenses
From: matt uhry
Date: Jan 05, 2001 09:05 PST
The Optars I had a chance to use belonged to a friend of mine and
I found that they had pretty poor flare characteristics. ( Compared to
Zeiss ) otherwise I would be interested in a set (35mm format)
if the price was right. Anyone know what a wholesale ( Cash in Russia? )
price for these would be? Do you have any contacts at the factory?
From Frank Sat Jan 6 02:55:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Intro from Belgium
From: Frank Wylie
Date: Jan 05, 2001 18:55 PST
> Frank,
> thank you for your reply. I have not found Pat
> Steele's website address.
My webpage has been rebuilt, but you can get to Pat's
page at:
> The Konvas is clearly a very attractive camera but
> the Rodina looks pretty
> useful to and attractive in an agricultural sort of
> way. I like the single
> frame capability and wonder if there any user
> reports of it.
No first-had reports that I know of (and only a very
brief mention in the 1st edition of H. Mario Souto's
"Technique of the Motion Picture Camera") , but
judging from the photos on Olexander's web page, it
appears to be a very substantial camera based on a
strange amalgam of adaptations and new designs.
The main drive very closely resembles the Debrie Parvo
and Super Parvo with those bizarre double helix loops
for loading; in fact, I do belive it is a Super Parvo
clone (with some unique features, for sure) without
the usual blimp! Can anyone confirm this? It has a
optional coaxial 1000' mag that looks very much like a
Bolex Reporter mag on steriods with Wall mag covers,
and if you squint your eyes almost closed and look at
it out of the corner of your eye, it sorta resembles
the Aaton school of design; but I bet it ain't as
easy to hand hold! Ever seen that picture of Paul
Newman strapped to a Mitchell NC on a chest pod during
the making of "Cool Hand Luke"? ;-)
I too am attracted to this camera and, like a person
said on the Delphi Forums about Russian Rangfinder
cameras; don't think of them as cameras in the usual
German or Japanese sense, think of them as Russian
Industrial Optical Tools! I kind of like that
Anyone out there have experience with the Rodina or
another camera I just hear of called the "Sovnarhoz"
35mm? The most I can find on the Sovnarhoz is a
reference to a military factory complex (surprise,
surprise) somewhere in Russia.
Maybe we should compile a list of all known Russian
35mm cameras and work down to the lower formats like
8mm and so on. I have some experience doing that on
my old webpage Kinoville (defunct).
S. Frank Wylie
Konvas Russian 35mm Motion Picture Cameras User List;
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
Join NOW!
"The Camera is a base instrument, you must do violence to it". Orson Welles
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From Brent Sun Jan 7 20:57:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: lenses on ebay
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 07, 2001 12:57 PST
in case anyone needs some...
From patrick Mon Jan 8 14:26:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Greetings...
From: patrick Steele
Date: Jan 08, 2001 06:26 PST
Hey gang,
Well, it is just past the weekend, and I thought I'd finally post this missive.
My name is Patrick Steele. I work with Frank Wylie at the Library of Congress' Motion Picture Conservation Center as a motion picture specialist/processing tech. I graduated with honors from Wright State University with a BFA in motion picture production (whee!). Previous to working at the Library, I was a film services supervisor for almost three years at Technicolor Entertainment's print inspection/rejuvination facility in Wilmington, Ohio.
While lab services have become my day job, I am still quite active in film production. I have won several awards for my shorts (nothin' big, but hey...every little bit helps the ego!), and have worked on features, docs and shorts in various capacities including assistant camera, assistant director, production sound mixer and editor. I am currently in postproduction on a 35mm short that I hope will premiere later this year...somewhere. After this, I hope to begin work on a feature shot with--you guessed it--Russian 35mm gear.
I purchased my Konvas 2M outfit from Viktor Nikityuk, who lives in Ukraine. I had long wanted a 35mm camera at a reasonable price and remember salivating over the ads MKA used to have in magazines featuring imported 35mm gear . I met Viktor through the Photoshopper forum and he secured a great package for me, and we formed a friendship to boot. Since that initial purchase, I have bought lenses and accessories from him. My latest is (drumroll please) a Kinor 35H camera package. Soon I shall have the best of both worlds--the Kinor as the sync "A" camera and the Konvas 2M as the MOS/"B" camera.
I started my website largely out of an affinity for these darkhorse cameras. I think they are beautiful and fascinating, and are wrongly passed over by most of the West as being unreliable and impractical. They may be unpolished and a bit rough-edged, but THEY WORK, and work well. Yes, Arriflex and Panavision are great cameras, but how many of us can afford to own or rent one? And if they fail in the field, you can't strip them down to work on 'em either. The Konvas is light and versatile. It can be put in situations other cameras can't. And it's cool, too. What more do you want?
Alright, I'll shut up now.
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From Brent Mon Jan 8 17:12:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: taking the 1M completely apart
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 08, 2001 09:12 PST
Ok, I took it apart with the 6 screws. Pretty easy.
Since I'm going to 'lighten' the camera. Do you have any advice for
removing all the movement mechanisms/gears and optics from the body
casting? I am going to drill / remove metal and don't want small chips
all over this these parts.
I'm also going to have a new front end made (non-turret) that will look
like the 2M, yet have a "frame" like aluminum structure with carbon
fiber panels.
Wish me luck.
From Jason Tue Jan 9 08:05:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Greetings
From: Jason
Date: Jan 09, 2001 00:05 PST
Hello to all and glad to see other Konvas users out here. I too
bought my Konvas 2M from Viktor and have never regretted the
purchase. The optics are fab and registration is very good. I have
almost finished designing a sound barney and will post sound test
results when available. Look forward to talking with you all. I
currently am in pre-prod on a short for its first run...
Jason Stahl in Cali
PS Wow, a 35H Patrick? What style... I am machining adapters for
the 200ft mag spindles. I'll let you know how they work.
From Jason Tue Jan 9 08:16:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: PL mount
From: Jason
Date: Jan 09, 2001 00:16 PST
Does anybody have the specs for the PL mount so I can machine one for my
2M? Somebody told me the seat was 53mm from the film plane and thats all
I know...
From Brent Tue Jan 9 15:00:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: PL mount
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 09, 2001 07:00 PST
Do you have Autocad?
I have a drawing from Century Optics I can send you.
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From A. Tue Jan 9 15:41:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: (no subject)
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Jan 09, 2001 07:41 PST
Hiya folks!
It's chester here, otherwise known as the pigdog, i am writting from
HongKong. Me and a friend Ringo Tang has recently bought a couple of 1M
and a 2M from Lael, and as discussed from your previous mails, we have
succesfully adopted the pentakon lenses to the 1M. but firstly, a
little bit about myself, i am a photographer and is in the process of
crossing over to filmmaking. i am no stranger to film cameras as i have
operated on the Arri 16 SR2, BL and ST as well as the Arri 2C. My friend
Mr. Ringo Tang is a also a photographer and filmmaker, he is a director
of TV commercials and docus. It was Mr. Tang who bought all 3 Konvas
from Lael, and we had been working on the cameras whenever we have time
between our regular assignments. so far we have managed to adopt the
pentakon lenses onto the 1M body, we are currently working on a crude
video assist unit by attaching a mini surveilance camera onto the
viewfinder, the output is sent via microwave downlink to a remote
monitor. so far we found the right surveilance camera to use and we
have yet to test the microwave downlink. our problem is that with the
mini video cam on the viewfinder, the cameraman would not be able to
focus through the viewfinder and would have to rely exclusively on the
remote monitor, we hoped to find a way to install a video tap somewhere
along the viewfinder barrel, ideas anyone?
From patrick Tue Jan 9 17:56:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: PL mount
From: patrick Steele
Date: Jan 09, 2001 09:56 PST
Hi Jason,
I have some cross-section images of the old OCT-19 mount versus the PL mount
for the Konvas 2M (provided to me by Olexandr Kanlynychenko). I'll email
them later to you today. Who knows...they may help.
All the Best,
From patrick Tue Jan 9 17:57:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: [Konvas]
From: patrick Steele
Date: Jan 09, 2001 09:57 PST
Hey Chester!
Glad to see you back! Sounds like you have some great things cooking. Did
you see the page on my site devoted to you and your 1M lens mount mods?
All the Best,
From peterh5322 at aol.com Tue Jan 9 17:58:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: [Konvas]
From: peterh5322 at aol.com
Date: Jan 09, 2001 09:58 PST
In a message dated 1/9/01 7:41:56 AM, pigdog at borg-space.com writes:
our problem is that with the mini video cam on the viewfinder, the cameraman
would not be able to focus through the viewfinder and would have to rely
exclusively on the remote monitor, we hoped to find a way to install a video
tap somewhere along the viewfinder barrel, ideas anyone?
Check out the later Cinema Products CP-16R cameras. These have a removable
port on the top of the camera intended for installation of a video tap, while
retaining the conventional viewfinder in its normal position.
My guess is the first-surface mirror just under the top of the camera body is
replaced by a mirror which has a sputtered surface, thereby sending 80
percent (give or take) of the light to the viewfinder and 20 percent of the
light (give or take) to the video tap.
From Emmanuel Wed Jan 10 18:23:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Konvas & Motors
From: Emmanuel SUYS
Date: Jan 10, 2001 10:23 PST
>From several messages I tend to understand that the original
motors for the Konvas don't seem as reliable.
Question # 1
How many different type of motors are there? Any specs
information appreciated such as fps and so forth.
Question #2
Is the reliability due to a matter of electronics or electrics? In other
words would changing some bits make a difference? Or it is the
whole design which is faulty.
Question #3
Any compatibility between a Konvas and an Eclair CM3?
Appreciate your reply thank you beforehand.
Manny from Beirut
From patrick Wed Jan 10 20:52:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Konvas & Motors
From: patrick Steele
Date: Jan 10, 2001 12:52 PST
Hi Manny,
I'll try to tell you what I know. If I trip up, please someone correct me!
As far as I know, only two motor designs were available (no animation motors, etc) for the Konvas 2M:
15EP 8 to 32fps sync at 24, 25 fps. Framerate not quite as stable as the 17EP. Will fluctuate slightly.
17EP 8 to 32 fps crystal sync at 24/25 fps. Very stable and precise motor.
For the Konvas KSR-1 I am only aware of an 8 to 32 fps variable speed motor.
The 15EP and 17EP seem to be quite reliable, although I have heard stories from Clive Tobin that they can burn up at times. I personally have had no bad experiences with my 2M's 17EP motor. He does motor overhauls, etc. at his comapny. You can find a link to his page on my resources page at my website: http://homepage.mac.com/karmitz/commiecam.htm Ask him about motor specifics...I am sure he'll be happy to tell you.
As far as I know, there is no direct compatibility between Eclair CM3 and Konvas motors, although I think Lael Camak has been speaking with Clive Tobin about adapting his CM3 crystal motor to the Konvas.
Hope this helps, and by all means if someone has additional info, please pass it on.
All the Best,
From Jason Wed Jan 10 20:59:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Konvas & Motors
From: Jason
Date: Jan 10, 2001 12:59 PST
On 10 Jan 01, at 10:23, Emmanuel SUYS wrote:
I have the crystal motor and have had no problems with it. The
older, non-sync motor was the demon I believe...
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From lael Wed Jan 10 21:38:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Konvas & Motors
From: lael camak
Date: Jan 10, 2001 13:38 PST
Patrick wrote:
>As far as I know, there is no direct compatibility between Eclair CM3 =
and Konvas motors, although I think Lael Camak has been >speaking with =
Clive Tobin about adapting his CM3 crystal motor to the Konvas.=20
Yes, I have been talking with Clive about the CM3 motor. He doesn't =
know if it will be compatible, and the next step is for me to send a =
Konvas to him to test. I'm in Atlanta and he's in the Northwest. If =
anyone is closer to him and can spare their's for a week or so, please =
let me know and we'll arrange it. I can't send one at the moment. His =
CM3 motor is around $1150, I think. Anatoly, in LA, at =
www.slowmotioninc.com has a great sync motor for the Konvas that goes up =
to 60fps, but its $1500 at last check. Viktor has been looking for 17EP =
motors in the Ukraine, but hasn't reported any. Maybe if Clive sees =
enough interest he may make his work. I dunno. I'd sure like to see a =
lower price, though.
From A. Thu Jan 11 00:44:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Konvas & Motors
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Jan 10, 2001 16:44 PST
>yup, i definitely agree with Lael, I would opt to see a less expensive
crystal motor for the Konvas, incidentally i did asked Clive tobin about
adopting his CM3 motor with the konvas, would be keen to know what he
thinks once he gets his hand on one of the motors.
We also have the newer version f the 1M (black body) and i noticed the
motor is significantly more reliable and runs fairly quiet even without a
from our experiance with our konvases, i do think the motors are ok for
the price we are getting, older 1M motor tends to heat up a bit if too
much amperage was used, we have since brought it down to 12v and 6amps.
so far the motor works like a charm
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From nikitiuk27 at yahoo.com Thu Jan 11 01:08:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: Konvas & Motors
From: nikitiuk27 at yahoo.com
Date: Jan 10, 2001 17:08 PST
Viktor has been looking for 17EP motors in the Ukraine, but hasn't
reported any.
> Lael
Hi Lael and All! I am Viktor from Ukraine. I shall be try help all if it
in my strength. Sorry my English.
Lael, I hope to get 17EP motor in 1-2 week. 120m mag I already have for
From patrick Thu Jan 11 03:37:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: 17EP Motor Correction
From: patrick Steele
Date: Jan 10, 2001 19:37 PST
Viktor has corrected me. The 17EP motor is crystal at ALL speeds...
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
From Brent Thu Jan 11 05:33:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Konvas & Motors
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 10, 2001 21:33 PST
Which is the 17EP... Are there pics on it?
I have the motor with no built in controller. It took the Big Box antique
controller and has a 7 pin cable to the controller. it has a smaller
diameter extention that sticks forward of the connection point and there is
a small motor that acts as a generator to give rpm feedback signal to the
A friend is working on making a controller (replacement) for the one I
traded away (because I was going to get one from Anatoly) but If someone has
a spare that has the controller on the handle, I'd like to know what model
that is called and, Viktor, if you have one soon, how much?
nikitiuk27 at yahoo.com wrote:
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From Emmanuel Thu Jan 11 10:22:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Konvass & Marks
From: Emmanuel SUYS
Date: Jan 11, 2001 02:22 PST
So there are 2 types of Konvass:
However there seem to be quite a few marks or models around:
Can anyone shed some light on this? Also what is their distinctive
characteristic or what makes them different from each other. Is
there any kind of reference similar to the Bolex serial number which
clearly indicates the mark. Also which ones are better.
Lots of questions; but from surfing on some great and interesting
sites it is difficult to see everything. As usual the Devil is in the
Appreciate your reply thank you beforehand.
Manny from Beirut
From Emmanuel Thu Jan 11 10:26:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Konvass & Motors
From: Emmanuel SUYS
Date: Jan 11, 2001 02:26 PST
Interesting information, great.
BTW what is the initial voltage input requirement for the
EP 15 or EP 17 model?
I also read that it would be better to change the powerplug; to
industry standard 4 pin XLR (12V) ?
Appreciate your reply, thank you beforehand.
Manny from Beirut
From dougU Sat Jan 13 23:49:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: intro/lenses/stuff
From: dougU
Date: Jan 13, 2001 15:49 PST
So, I have a Konvas 1M, had a 3 lens turret but I replaced it with a
single flange that holds a Nikon mount that I machined myself (have a
lathe and milling machine and shop)
Forget any other mount but PL (so you can rent primes) or Nikon. The
pentacon stuff is for medium format and all the glass is 30mm and up, so
you only have standard and telephoto lenses, no wide angle. I have a
Peleng 8mm on my camera now! Yikes! it is so wide and funky, and the
PL mounted Nikon equivalent is $4500 but I paid $250 for the Peleng.
Will shoot a test this week and report.
I am going to get the Nikon 17-35 F2.8 lens sometime in the future, and
I think this will be a great 12 pound grab camera.
Yes, the motor on the 1M - this early model - is pretty lousy, no
crystal control and it gets really hot if you run the camera for more
than one minute. Probably a good thing for those cold Russian winters.
It is small and light, though, and works fairly well. I am a dealer for
Tobin and I should be able to modify the Tobin motor for the CM3 for use
with the Konvas if there is interest. I think that the 17EP motor could
work well, though and it is probably quieter. Clive Tobin is a great
guy and he answers his phone and stands behind his stuff.
Did a registration test, shot a grid twice with the same piece of film
and the camera is okay, not great like my 35BL1, but certainly steady
enough for action stuff. The vertical mag arrangement is ideal for
steadicam since the film movement from feed to take up doesn't affect
the balance of the rig. Steadicam ops pay big bucks for vertically
modified mags for the Arri IIC and III and 435 but the Konvas comes with
them standard!
I am looking for a 400 foot mag and a better mirror (mine is pretty
scratched but works okay) so if anyone has this stuff, please contact
My website for dollies and jibs is longvalleyequip.com and I would like
to trade if possible
Next mod will be a video tap, not just an eyepiece tap, and a small
camera mounted LCD screen.
If all goes well I would like to find one of the lastest and bestest
Konvas cameras: a 2 with a PL mount, video tap, small built in crystal
motor on the left side of the camera with LED display, orientable
finder, and 500' shoulder mags. I demoed one for MKA at Showbiz expo
about 5 years ago, and I saw one on ebay a while ago that went for
$7000. I would like to buy one if anyone has leads.
that's it for now
Douglas Underdahl
From patrick Mon Jan 15 07:35:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Interior of Konvas
From: patrick Steele
Date: Jan 14, 2001 23:35 PST
I put together a new page devoted to the "guts" of the Konvas 2M. Frank
opened up his camera and I shot some stills. If you want to have a look, go
I have NOTcreated a link to this page yet on my site. Use this URL to get
there for the next couple of days.
From Brent Mon Jan 15 16:56:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Interior of Konvas
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 15, 2001 08:56 PST
Hey guys... Cool pix.
I have not gone so far as to take off the magneto and prizm parts, but I will.
If you strip the rest of the back end off, let me know how easy or difficult it
is to take off all the gears, claw, shutter, etc and reattach them with proper
alignment. I'll surely know if it's wrong. :) but can take all the help I can
patrick Steele wrote:
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From lael Mon Jan 15 18:32:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: intro/lenses/stuff
From: lael camak
Date: Jan 15, 2001 10:32 PST
Doug and list,
I sent one reply but the list kicked it back for some reason. Anyways, here
goes again.
First, your Nikon mount single flange sounds terrific. Can you make some
Your Peleng lens sounds great also. Just curious as to where you saw the
PL Peleng for sale?
The CM3 motor may be a hit if it works. Lemme know.
To Doug and List:
I'm having some problems now with a controller for a 15EP. At setting of
24fps or greater, it comes to speed, then quickly runs away faster and
faster until I turn it off (for fear of breaking something). Something is
feeding back or shorting out. Any ideas or solutions would be appreciated.
I have been looking for a US equivalent to the 2M 5amp 12volt fuses. Does
anyone have a source? They're pretty small fuses.
Doug: Where are you out of?
From lael Mon Jan 15 18:32:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: intro/lenses/stuff
From: lael camak
Date: Jan 15, 2001 10:32 PST
Doug and list,
I sent one reply but the list kicked it back for some reason. Anyways, here
goes again.
First, your Nikon mount single flange sounds terrific. Can you make some
Your Peleng lens sounds great also. Just curious as to where you saw the
PL Peleng for sale?
The CM3 motor may be a hit if it works. Lemme know.
To Doug and List:
I'm having some problems now with a controller for a 15EP. At setting of
24fps or greater, it comes to speed, then quickly runs away faster and
faster until I turn it off (for fear of breaking something). Something is
feeding back or shorting out. Any ideas or solutions would be appreciated.
I have been looking for a US equivalent to the 2M 5amp 12volt fuses. Does
anyone have a source? They're pretty small fuses.
Doug: Where are you out of?
From matt Tue Jan 16 16:38:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: intro/lenses/stuff
From: matt uhry
Date: Jan 16, 2001 08:38 PST
If you have a nikon mount for the 1m I know a guy who would
be very interested.
Might trade you some 400' mags for it?
From Brent Wed Jan 17 00:40:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: intro/lenses/stuff
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 16, 2001 16:40 PST
are there pictures/engineering drawings of this front end?
matt uhry wrote:
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From nikitiuk27 at yahoo.com Sat Jan 20 19:44:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: 120m mag For sale
From: nikitiuk27 at yahoo.com
Date: Jan 20, 2001 11:44 PST
From Erkan Mon Jan 22 21:58:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Detailed info sharing on ex-Soviet equipment is available from me!
From: Erkan Umut
Date: Jan 22, 2001 13:58 PST
I am a film cameraman and lecturer of cinematography living in Istanbul,
I collect every kind of documents on cine technology in every language
(has a rich collection/including countless books, catalogues, manuals,
etc. on ex-Soviet equipment in several languages + Russian).
I also have equipment & raw stock film (SVEMA + TASMA) collection mainly
ex-Soviet make.
I have been more than 25 countries in the world (mainly for a
documentary serial), including Russia and CIS.
I have many friends, who are technicians or managers at the factories.
We should be in contact for exchanging info...
From Ruslan Wed Jan 24 01:52:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
From: Ruslan Vakulik
Date: Jan 23, 2001 17:52 PST
Subscribed for this list specifically to give this announcement. I'm
selling brand new never used Konvas 2m 35mm camera. I THINK its 2m - OK,
the technician told me that it's the LATEST and the most modern version
of Konvas. I'm from Vladivostok, Russia, and we have this famous naval
institute where they used to have their own movie studio - they did
films about students, stuff like that. Not anymore, production is too
expensive. So, they have this Konvas. I myself took a factory seal off
to inspect the package - everything is there - cables, lenses,
magazines, papers. Everything is brand sparkling new, no fungus nowhere.
If anyone want it, it's up for grabs.
As a seller I have 101 positives on eBay, 8 on Amazon and 6 on Yahoo.
Used to sell Krasnogorsk-3s 16mm there. My name is Ruslan Vakulik and my
mail addresses are russlan at hotmail.com and rv at novosti.vl.ru
Shipping is Express 7 days delivery. Price could be discussed.
Thanks and please write me!
From Ruslan Wed Jan 24 01:55:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: address
From: Ruslan Vakulik
Date: Jan 23, 2001 17:55 PST
in the first address it is russlan, the second one is rv
From Brent Wed Jan 24 02:11:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: address
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 23, 2001 18:11 PST
please send pictures if you can.
If it is the latest 2M, I will pay $1500
Ruslan Vakulik wrote:
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From Brent Wed Jan 24 03:18:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: address
From: Brent Finley
Date: Jan 23, 2001 19:18 PST
surely someone has more money than I do right now...
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From patrick Mon Jan 29 04:35:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Commiecam Website Updated...
From: patrick Steele
Date: Jan 28, 2001 20:35 PST
Hey all,
Just letting you know that I updated some pages on my site with some
interesting things:
Under the "modifications" section: I added photos of Slow Motion's KinoFlex
camera system. It's a completely rebuilt/modified 2M...very impressive. Used
for Steadicam work. Has video tap...perhaps it will inspire some of you out
there working on your own modifications.
The "documents" section is now active! I posted two articles relating to
Russian cine cameras in Acrobat PDF format on the page. There's information
on how to download the files to your own machine.
Some new photos on the Commiecam in Action page (It used to be the Konvas in
action page, but I figured I'd expand it a bit...)
Links to the pages devoted to threading the Konvas magazine and the interior
of the Konvas mechanism have been moved to the "recources/links" page. A
small list of dealers in Russian camera gear is finally present there as
That's about it for now. I'll let you know when I update it again. As a
reminder: I will be happy to post any information/pictures/text any of you
care to share. Just send me an email.
All the Best,
From Brent Thu Feb 1 22:57:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Effects of shutter configuration
From: Brent Finley
Date: Feb 01, 2001 14:57 PST
Hey guys,
Does anyone know what is the effect of having the shutter move
horizontally across the frame (Konvas) as opposed to vertically (Arri)?
Does this manifest itself in the final projected image? Since the image
is going to be projected with a vertical shutter movement, is there
anything that appears 'weird' when they weren't shot the same way?
From Peter Thu Feb 1 23:25:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Solaris
From: Peter Ormrod
Date: Feb 01, 2001 15:25 PST
Fascinating photograph on Patrick Steele's website taken on the set of =
Tartovsky shooting Solaris. A brilliant director in my opinion who =
created some memorable images for me in that film and Andrei Rublev =
which I think he made earlier?. Interesting to see the Rodina was used. =
I like the look of it. It clearly produced excellent pictures. I wonder =
if anyone out there has ever seen one? I would also like to hear from =
readers who know more about Tartovsky and his Director of Photography. =
Anymore photos Patrick?
Peter Ormrod
6 Place de Nouveau Marche aux Grains
Bruxelles 1000
tel: 00 32 2 5131252
From Jason Fri Feb 2 01:47:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Effects of shutter configuration
From: Jason
Date: Feb 01, 2001 17:47 PST
The only thing I can think of regarding this is fast moving objects
will register as a blur if the image travels the same direction as the
shutter, but sharp(er) if opposite to the shutter. The projector has a
triple blade and is projecting a static image, so it should have no
effect on the image. True, or am I missing something?
From l.camak at att.net Fri Feb 2 03:11:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Effects of shutter configuration
From: l.camak at att.net
Date: Feb 01, 2001 19:11 PST
Your mind is always at work. How do you come up with
these questions? To the original question, the only way
I could see this affecting anything you could notice
would be if the shutter actually defined the edge of the
image on the negative. But it doesn't do that.
I've intercut Moviecam shots (horizontal shutter) with
Arri shots (vertical) with no problems. Finally,
theatrically, alot of vistavision stuff is intercut with
normal 35...again I don't see any problems. But keep
thinking. If anyone is gonna come up with the "what
ifs" its you. And you're bound to solve alot of
problems before they make it to film. Me, i always seem
to learn the lessons the hard way.
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From l.camak at att.net Fri Feb 2 03:38:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Rodina?
From: l.camak at att.net
Date: Feb 01, 2001 19:38 PST
I have seen one and my friend may still have it. Very
interesting and stable looking movement...I was very
impressed and considered trying to do something with the
movement alone. I already have enough projects going,
though. Looked like it would hold 400 ft loads. Pretty
big and bulky camera. Nice reflex viewfinder, though.
Do you have any idea when these things were designed?
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From patrick Fri Feb 2 03:58:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Rodina/Tarkovsky
From: patrick Steele
Date: Feb 01, 2001 19:58 PST
Olexandr Kalynychenko has photos and specs for the Rodina on his fine
website. go to http://www.geocities.com/russiancamera/ I seem to recall
Frank Wylie mentioning that it had a Debrie Parvo inspiration (is this
correct, Frank?)
I got the photo of Tarkovsky from the August 1974 issue of American
Cinematographer (it's an entire issue devoted to filmmmaking in the Soviet
Union). I think there is one more of him and the Rodina at work. I'll check.
Tarkovsky is one of my favorite filmmakers. He knew imagery and how to use
the camera. His cinematographer on "Solaris" was Vadim Yusov (born in 1929).
He also photographed Tarkovsky's VGIK thesis film "The Steamroller and the
Violin" (1960) as well as his early features "Ivan's Childhood" (1962) and
"Andrei Rublev" (1972). I've seen all of these and find them fascinating
photographically as well as thematically. According to the Internet Movie
Database, his most recent film credit was in 1995 for "Out of the Present".
All the best,
From Frank Fri Feb 2 04:06:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Effects of shutter configuration
From: Frank Wylie
Date: Feb 01, 2001 20:06 PST
--- Brent Finley
> Does this manifest itself in the final projected
> image?
No it does not. There may be artifacts that are
dependent upon the original camera's shutter travel
direction already in the print, but the artifact only
occurs during the recording of the original image
because the object that paints the image on the film
IS moving and the effect occurs along the leading edge
of the shutter (time-based distortion; much like
slit-scan). Once the image is recorded, it is static
on the film, thus no new artifact is introduced
regardless of the shutter orientation of the
Now, I do have to assume the dimensional distortion
caused by varying shutter plane directions on various
cameras DO cause different artifacts on the original
Horizontal (like the Kiev 4 Russian clone of the
Contax III) focal plane still cameras can cause some
really weird, cool distortion effects where the image
actually stretches-out as the subject passes the
camera at right angles to the travel of the shutter;
assuming a subject with a high rate of horizontal
travel and a slow, vertically moving shutter slit.
If the Konvas had a variable shutter, and you started
shooting with a narrow shutter angle and a slow enough
FPS setting, then, perhaps, you would see a difference
from another camera like the Mitchell STD or B&H 2709
where the shutter wipes in the opposite orientation.
What would be weird is if you could build a cine
camera with a variable shutter that you could displace
around the aperture in an arc that bisects the center
of the aperture and vary the shutter intersection
angle AS you shot at a low frame-rate. That would be
a very interesting experiment.
I'll bet it would look like those old spinning disk TV
sets from the 20's.
S. Frank Wylie
Konvas Russian 35mm Motion Picture Cameras User List;
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
Join NOW!
"The Camera is a base instrument, you must do violence to it". Orson Welles
From Frank Fri Feb 2 04:15:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Rodina/Tarkovsky
From: Frank Wylie
Date: Feb 01, 2001 20:15 PST
--- patrick Steele
> Olexandr Kalynychenko has photos and specs for the
> Rodina on his fine
> website. go to
> http://www.geocities.com/russiancamera/ I seem to
> recall
> Frank Wylie mentioning that it had a Debrie Parvo
> inspiration (is this
> correct, Frank?)
Yeah. Looks like the guts of the Debrie Super Parvo,
but not so boxy on the exterior. The Super Parvo was
(and still is) a very superior camera for studio
production work.
The Russians were very smart; they copied the best
elements of existing cameras and improved on the rest
(for the most part).
I really like the look of the Rodina; wish I could get
my hands on one.
S. Frank Wylie
Konvas Russian 35mm Motion Picture Cameras User List;
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
Join NOW!
"The Camera is a base instrument, you must do violence to it". Orson Welles
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
a year! http://personal.mail.yahoo.com/
From Jeff Fri Feb 2 04:19:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Effects of shutter configuration
From: Jeff Kreines
Date: Feb 01, 2001 20:19 PST
Frank Wylie wrote:
>What would be weird is if you could build a cine
>camera with a variable shutter that you could displace
>around the aperture in an arc that bisects the center
>of the aperture and vary the shutter intersection
>angle AS you shot at a low frame-rate. That would be
>a very interesting experiment.
Frank has been sniffing the D97 again... ;-)
(Hi, Frank, good to be here... someday I'll add a Konvas [probably an
early one like the one Lael had on eBay] to my burgeoning collection.)
The Rodina looks to me like it might be Debrie Parvo, er, um, influenced.
The Studio Super Parvo was a boxlike camera with 1000-foot coaxial mags,
and, in some versions, a reflex finder. Godard refused to use one on an
early 60's film because he felt that the Mitchell BNC's profile was
properly camera-esque, and didn't like the boxy (and French) Super-Parvo
-- he wanted a "Hollywood" looking camera. (See "Contempt" for an actual
shot of that BNC and Raoul Coutard -- a shot later imitated at the end of
"Medium Cool.")
But, as usual, I digress...
Jeff "cleaning processing-machine tanks" Kreines
From Jeff Fri Feb 2 04:20:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Effects of shutter configuration
From: Jeff Kreines
Date: Feb 01, 2001 20:20 PST
l.camak at att.net wrote:
>But it doesn't do that.
>I've intercut Moviecam shots (horizontal shutter) with
>Arri shots (vertical) with no problems.
The one place it might be visible is when a strobe fires with the shutter
partially open. You'd get a partial vertical frame with some cameras,
partial horizontal with others.
But mostly,.an academic question.
From Brent Fri Feb 2 04:22:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Effects of shutter configuration
From: Brent Finley
Date: Feb 01, 2001 20:22 PST
Thanks Lael and Jason.
That makes sense with the motion blur. I guess part of my inspiration for
this is wanting to make the shutter diameter smaller as well.
ps - for all interested, I have acquired 5 photosonics 1VN cameras and 4 200
foot darkroom mags. I am in the process of converting them to super 16mm. My
machinist is making fronts with a 1.07mm shift of the optical axis and we'll
be disassembling magazines soon to smooth sprockets and remove a registration
pin and pulldown pin. Initially I won't be able to run them at high speed,
but up to 64fps will be pin registered and sweet!
After initial tests, I'll figure out what stability mods are required to keep
the image steady at higher speeds.
Here are the mods photosonics did to their super 16mm 1VN
1 - spring loaded edge guide.
2 - Shutter changed from 120 degrees to 92 degrees to allow the film to
'settle' between movement.
3 - modified electronics to 'ramp up' to speed to avoid perf damage
4 - max speed reduced from 200 fps to 168 fps.
Anyone want to reserve one now? :)
Jason wrote:
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From Frank Fri Feb 2 04:26:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Effects of shutter configuration
From: Frank Wylie
Date: Feb 01, 2001 20:26 PST
--- Jeff Kreines
> Frank has been sniffing the D97 again... ;-)
Hey! I resent that! I snif perc! Leaves your mind
clean and fresh as a mountain breeze...
> Jeff "cleaning processing-machine tanks" Kreines
Don't you miss Kodak systems cleaner? We now have to
use that citric acid crap that is useless.
In fact, Patrick Steele and I have a date tomorrow
with scrub brushes to clean both of our Triese 16/35
processors. Yum, Yum! Silver flake anyone?
S. Frank Wylie
Konvas Russian 35mm Motion Picture Cameras User List;
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
Join NOW!
"The Camera is a base instrument, you must do violence to it". Orson Welles
From Jeff Fri Feb 2 04:52:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Effects of shutter configuration
From: Jeff Kreines
Date: Feb 01, 2001 20:52 PST
Brent Finley wrote:
>Anyone want to reserve one now? :)
Let me know the price... maybe. It'd be a nice high-speed cousin to my
Richter EMP camera...
From Jeff Fri Feb 2 04:56:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Effects of shutter configuration
From: Jeff Kreines
Date: Feb 01, 2001 20:56 PST
Frank Wylie wrote:
>Don't you miss Kodak systems cleaner? We now have to
>use that citric acid crap that is useless.
This is a little Jamieson B&W machine, fortunately it was put up clean.
It's bigger brother wasn't, though. I'm replacing all the hoses, etc.
Much fun... for brushing out the narrow elliptical tanks, I've mated a
dowel to a baby bottle brush, works well.
>Silver flake anyone?
Ain't worth what it was in the Bunky Hunt days! ;-)
From lael Fri Feb 2 13:44:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Effects of shutter configuration
From: lael camak
Date: Feb 02, 2001 05:44 PST
Jeff wrote:
> The one place it might be visible is when a strobe fires with the shutter
> partially open. You'd get a partial vertical frame with some cameras,
> partial horizontal with others.
Man, there are excellent resources on this board. Yes, Jeff, that is a
perfect example of where you might see an artifact of the shutter travel.
I'd forgotten all about that...I've experienced that filming muzzle flashes.
It was a rare phenomenom for us though, and in the grand scheme of things it
was unnoticeable in the projection. We only noticed it cause we were
studying some muzzle flashes frame by frame so we could duplicate a few in
> But mostly,.an academic question.
I agree. I don't think the artifacts would cause any noticable problems
intercut with other footage.
Jason wrote that "fast moving objects will register as a blur if the image
travels the same direction as the shutter, but sharper if opposite to the
shutter." Again , I think this is theorectically true, but that's gotta be
a very fast moving object and even the sharper image is gonna be
blurred....maybe less blurred, but still a blur.
Brent, of course, is the skydiver and deals with fast moving objects /
talent (to me the ground is a fast moving object). Not to worry, though,
Brent. When you get your 8 perf going, there are many studios that can
easily handle the artifacts in post.
Your 16mm cameras and mods sound great. Some pics on your website someday?
From erkan Fri Feb 2 23:18:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: Rodina?
From: erkan umut
Date: Feb 02, 2001 15:18 PST
Dear Lael,
Rodina cameras were designed in 1952 and made between 1953-1975 by
Moscow Cine Apparatus Works MOSKINAP.
I will try to post a Rodina picture from a Russian book I have. If not,
I can mail you (pls email me).
Hope this helps...
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From erkan Fri Feb 2 23:23:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RODINA info + pix
From: erkan umut
Date: Feb 02, 2001 15:23 PST
Dear Friends,
Rodina cameras were designed in 1952 and made between 1953-1975 by
Moscow Cine Apparatus Works MOSKINAP.
I can mail you Rodina pix from Russian books I have in my collection(pls
reply me with your e-mail addresses written).
From erkan Fri Feb 2 23:27:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: Effects of shutter configuration "Jason=projector shutters"
From: erkan umut
Date: Feb 02, 2001 15:27 PST
Dear Jason,
I'm afraid that a 35mm projector never has "triple blades", but one or
two blades. The 35mm projectors have conical & disk shutters with one or
two blades popularly.
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From Jason Sat Feb 3 01:06:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: Effects of shutter configuration "Jason=projector shutters"
From: Jason
Date: Feb 02, 2001 17:06 PST
I beg to differ, I own a Simplex 35 with a triple blade and have seen
a telecine version with a 5-blade shutter... use caution when you
say never!
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From lael Sat Feb 3 01:11:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Anamorphic lenses
From: lael camak
Date: Feb 02, 2001 17:11 PST
Hi to all,
Viktor in Odessa has two very nice square front Lomo anamorphic lenses for
sale. One is a 50mm and the other is an 80mm. The 80mm is in a Konvas
mount. The 50mm is in a Druzhba (old Soviet camera) mount. I have some
pictures available to email if anyone is interested immediately, and they
can't reach Viktor.
I and several others on this board can highly recommend Viktor. I have
bought a few things from him, and I have been very pleased. I mention
these lenses because I know there's a good possibility that someone on the
list is needing one or both. Viktor can be reached at nikitiuk27 at yahoo.com
or, again, feel free to email me if you want some pics by morning.
From erkan Sat Feb 3 18:45:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Effects of shutter configuration "Jason=projector shutters"
From: erkan umut
Date: Feb 03, 2001 10:45 PST
Yes! You are right. Despite I have a rich documentation about this equipment
(as a serious collector of documents), I don't know why I said never. Thanks
for your attention.
But I think that these projectors are not in use in the movie theaters. Am
I right or?
I also know that they were built double shutters.
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From A. Mon Feb 12 17:08:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Anamorphic lenses
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Feb 12, 2001 09:08 PST
got some good news for you! i might have some $$$ soon, so do you happen to
have a 2M lying around there somewhere?
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From A. Mon Feb 12 17:25:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Feb 12, 2001 09:25 PST
anybody have info on those old east german stock called ORWO? i was
able to find a couple of rolls of 200ft b/w stock in New Delhi recently,
the shop owner claims those films are fresh stock...
From Wylie Mon Feb 12 17:49:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
From: Wylie Sammy F Civ 88 ABW/LCMPS/MPPL
Date: Feb 12, 2001 09:49 PST
Orwo was regenerated and now offers new raw stock for sale.
You can get more information on ORWO from:
Dancan International Sales
Copenhagen, Denmark
The U.S. Distributor for Orwo is:
Ed Sachtler
Midridge Imaging Supplies, Inc.
10 Franklin Ave.
Midland Park, NJ 07432
fax 201-444-8695
We are currently using Orwo DP3 finegrin stock in specialty copying
operations (Orwo is orthochromatic and Eastman 2366/5366 fine grain is
blue-sensitive only). It appears to be a reasonably good stock, but we
haven't used enough to make a final assessment. There may be problems with
uniformity of sensitivity from roll to roll and batch to batch.
S. Frank Wylie
Laboratory Supervisor
Library of Congress
Motion Picture Preservation Laboratory
All opinions expressed are my own and do not represent the official view of
the Library of Congress
-----Original Message-----
From: A. Chester Ong [mailto:pigdog at borg-space.com]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 12:25 PM
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: [Konvas] ORWO FILMS
anybody have info on those old east german stock called ORWO? i was
able to find a couple of rolls of 200ft b/w stock in New Delhi recently,
the shop owner claims those films are fresh stock...
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From A. Mon Feb 12 17:57:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: ORWO FILMS
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Feb 12, 2001 09:57 PST
greetings Mr. Wylie,
thanks for the info, i am glad to hear that Orwo is still around, i remember
using the old orwo stock back when i was still in high school dabbling in
photography, back then we figured out how to process those old ORWO stocks
and we got some pretty good results from it, anyway this ORWO stock that i
got is designated as NP55 any ideas?
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From Wylie Mon Feb 12 19:01:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
From: Wylie Sammy F Civ 88 ABW/LCMPS/MPPL
Date: Feb 12, 2001 11:01 PST
If I may; Please call me Frank.
I don't have a data sheet on a NP55 stock, but I do have them on the
(all prices USD via Dancan International--prices may not be current, please
B&W Negative
Stock base ISO gauge per meter
>1300M >2500M
UN54 Acetate 100 16mm 0.55 0.53
UN54 Acetate 100 35mm 0.67 0.64
UN74 Acetate 400 16mm 0.61 0.58
UN74 Acetate 400 35mm 0.80 0.77
B&W Positive
PF2 Acetate 16mm 0.24 0.23
PF2 Ace & Poly 35mm 0.28 0.26
B&W Dupe Neg
DN2 Acetate 35mm 0.85 0.77
B&W Fine Grain
DP2 Ace + Poly 35mm 0.61 0.48
DP3 Acetate 35mm 0.74 0.67
Of course, Dancan may have renamed the stock with their numbers, so there is
a good chance it is one of the above.
I have the data sheets for these stocks, but my scanner is not working at
the moment. When I get a new SCSI cable, maybe I can find a way to post
them to the group or on a web page.
S. Frank Wylie
Laboratory Supervisor
Library of Congress
Motion Picture Preservation Laboratory
All opinions expressed are my own and do not represent the official view of
the Library of Congress
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From erkan Mon Feb 12 23:14:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: KONVAS & ORWO
From: erkan umut
Date: Feb 12, 2001 15:14 PST
Dear Chester,
Thank you for writing me.
I only have Russian manuals and books on Konvas range. If you need =
special I'll try to translate or scan for you. It is a difficult thing =
have english versions of these documents for now. But they may be =
at a friends (Mr. P. Steele) site in the future (he tells about that at =
Mr. Frank Wylie (I know him) tells you about ORWO well enough as an =
I have an english data book (!) of NP55 sent me from Filmfabrik Wolfen
(German Democratic Rep.) e.g. ORWO years ago. What kind of info you =
I'll scan. I have been in India many times. Do not trust that dealer (in
India) unless you made the tests!!! ORWO makes films now, but NP55 is =
old stock/DISCONTINUED STOCK! ORWO is changed its name into "FILMOTEC
GmbH-Wolfen" Fax:+49-3494-369682, they probably have a web site now.
From Jeff Mon Feb 12 23:28:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
From: Jeff Kreines
Date: Feb 12, 2001 15:28 PST
Wylie Sammy F Civ 88 ABW/LCMPS/MPPL wrote:
>B&W Negative
>Stock base ISO gauge per meter
>>1300M >2500M
>UN54 Acetate 100 16mm 0.55 0.53
>UN54 Acetate 100 35mm 0.67 0.64
>UN74 Acetate 400 16mm 0.61 0.58
>UN74 Acetate 400 35mm 0.80 0.77
>B&W Positive
>PF2 Acetate 16mm 0.24 0.23
>PF2 Ace & Poly 35mm 0.28 0.26
Interesting... 35mm prices are reasonable though no bargain, but 16mm
prices are actually higher than Kodak!
From A. Tue Feb 13 00:43:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: KONVAS & ORWO
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Feb 12, 2001 16:43 PST
i am not surprise with the ORWO i got is mostly likely an old stock as =
we got dirt cheap for only Ruppees750 suffice to say is about USD20.00 =
only! however i also hear reports that orwo also repackaged their films =
with ilford, is there any truth to that?
From lael Wed Feb 14 04:50:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Rodina?
From: lael camak
Date: Feb 13, 2001 20:50 PST
Ok, I got some pictures of the Rodina. Here is one, although, I don't know
yet if Topica will pass it on. My friend still has it and he may want to
sell it. It comes with a reflex viewfinder, 35mm, 50mm, and 75mm lenses.
It looks as if it takes 400ft loads, although it can take 1000ft mags
mounted onto it as well. This one comes only in the config for 400ft loads,
12 volt motor, which works fine. This camera surprised me in its low noise
level. Again the movement is very impressive. Has two pull down claws and
two registration pins and its very smooth. Email me if you have any
questions I hopefully can answer or if you want more pics. Funny, I
couldn't see filming with this camera until I turned it on. Still, its no
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="RodinaMotor.jpg"
From patrick Wed Feb 14 06:55:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: Rodina?
From: patrick Steele
Date: Feb 13, 2001 22:55 PST
Hi Lael,
Many thanks for the Rodina photo---came through Topica just fine! Impressive
beast to be sure. Do you know if it has the OCT-19 lens mount or does it
utilize yet another lens mount design? In any case, if you gots more
pictures I would love to see them!
All the Best,
From Peter Wed Feb 14 11:13:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Rodina?
From: Peter Ormrod
Date: Feb 14, 2001 03:13 PST
The Rodina! what an impressive machine. Can we start a pro Rodina fan
club? I would certainlty be interested in buying one if the price was
From lael Wed Feb 14 15:12:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: More Rodina pics
From: lael camak
Date: Feb 14, 2001 07:12 PST
Hey Patrick,
Kind of reminds me of Sony at NAB, YET ANOTHER NEW FORMAT! (Man, I love to
hate those guys. ) Yes, it seems to have a different lense mount. A large
PL type. Much larger than the OCT-19. Lomo lenes though. Here's the
numbers associated with each.
50mm P03-3M N121533
35mm OKC1-35-1 690965
75mm P02-2M N010659
I'll try to get some more pics of the lense mount eventually.
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="RodinaKit.jpg"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="RodinaMovemt.jpg"

From lael Wed Feb 14 15:13:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: two last Rodina pics for now
From: lael camak
Date: Feb 14, 2001 07:13 PST
My apologies to those who aren't interested. Please let me know if sending
pics this way is really bugging anyone. Eventually, I'll try to have a site
like Patrick's where you can go and view without being forced to download
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="RodinaOpen.jpg"

From Steven Fri Feb 16 16:10:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: buying from???
From: Steven E. Fick
Date: Feb 16, 2001 08:10 PST
Buying online, or even by mail order, can be risky (as you know).
Sending money into the former USSR can be very risky as well.
Who have you dealt with in buying equipment? What were your
experiences? Who do you trust? Any advice?
ALSO--Have you tried Svema film? What did you think? Somebody
gave me all sorts of horror stories about it (that it was irradiated in
transit, that the emulsion flaked off, that the sprocket holes were
poorly cut...). What do you say?
From BILL Fri Feb 16 16:19:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: buying from???
Date: Feb 16, 2001 08:19 PST
Lael Camak in Atlanta in the best bet I feel...
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From Jason Fri Feb 16 18:25:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: buying from???
From: Jason
Date: Feb 16, 2001 10:25 PST
Viktor in Odessa is very reliable. Wire transfer took several days to
get there, but he can get the camera to the states in one week.
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From A. Sat Feb 17 01:55:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: buying from???
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Feb 16, 2001 17:55 PST
Victor and Lael Camak are the best people for you to deal with, we have
bought 4 konvases from Lael and it is as he describes it. i have yet to
deal with Victor, but i hear he has an excellent reputation as well. I am
just about to take delivery for our 2nd Konvas 2M by next week
you will find Victor and Lael's email address in the newsgroup as they are
frequent contributors there.
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From Steven Wed Feb 21 18:32:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Kinor 16CX-2M???
From: Steven E. Fick
Date: Feb 21, 2001 10:32 PST
Do you know what lens mount is used on the Kinor 16CX-2M? Can it accept the
Lomo anamorphics used on the Konvas 2M or with the Druzhba mount?
From erkan Wed Feb 21 19:54:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Kinor 16CX-2M???
From: erkan umut
Date: Feb 21, 2001 11:54 PST
Dear Steven,
16CX-2M uses a special mount mounted to lenses made by Krasnogorsk
Mechanical Plant (Zenit) factory. Its a kind of bayonet mount. This cameras
were supplied with a 10-100mm zoom and 10mm fixed-focal lens as a Soviet
If you need more info I should check my documents and/or call my friend at
that plant. Just tell me. OK.
Istanbul (Turkey)
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From lael Sat Feb 24 05:48:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: New Female Konvas List member!!!
From: lael camak
Date: Feb 23, 2001 21:48 PST
Hi to all,
Our list doesn't move much sometimes, but here is some exciting news! Peter
Ormrod, a Konvas list member in Brussels, Belgium just had child #4, a
daughter named Lilliana.
Congrats to Peter!
Other than that how is everyone else? Work is sending me off to Norway for
a week. Unfortunately, I'm not shooting this trip. Any interesting Konvas
projects going on out there? Mods or shoots? Let's hear them. I'm asking
for you to brag a little. The list is quiet, but I know there's activity
happening. I want to hear about it. That being said, I'm boarding a plane
tomorrow and might have sporadic email access for a week.
But please start without me.
From Peter Sun Feb 25 16:52:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: New Female Konvas List member!!!
From: Peter Ormrod
Date: Feb 25, 2001 08:52 PST
Well thank you Lael for your kind wishes. Yes little Lillianna has coincided
pretty much with the arrival of my Konwas 2M and I take it as a happy omen
for future creative projects. I know owning a camera is not a prerequisite
for making a movie, but there is something reassuring and encouraging about
just having one around, a kind of gentle reminder to move forward. In fact
that is sort of what has happened and I am begining to put together a movie
project here in Brussels. To be shot on the Konwas, of course. Which brings
me in a round about way to my question to you all: what do we do about the
camera noise? There is quite a racket emerging from my mags, which is one
part I would think relatively straightfoward to blimp. Anyway, I'm sure some
of you have thought about this and there may be a design out there for a
complete blimp?
Just another question, is there any way to get the viewfinder to show the
whole ground glass image as it is moved in between the two fixed positions
where the masking marries up with the ground glass aspect. Of course I do
not see any possibility of having this viewfinder system work with the image
orientation in the correct sense in all viewfiner positions, but I would
like to sort out the masking problem.
From Jason Sun Feb 25 17:13:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: New Female Konvas List member!!!
From: Jason
Date: Feb 25, 2001 09:13 PST
I am working on a blimp using a sound-deading material used for
cars with high-end audio systems. It targets low frequency and is
fairly light and thin. I'm still working on the best way to make the
components so you can change mags without stripping the whole
thing off, but sound tests are very promising. As for the viewfinder, I
heard someone mention that it is removable, you probably have to
disassemble the unit though. Anyone done this yet?
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From matt Sun Feb 25 17:44:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: New Female Konvas List member!!!
From: matt uhry
Date: Feb 25, 2001 09:44 PST
It's pretty easy to get that mask thing out of your viewfinder,
there are not any little springs that fly away as you start
pulling it apart. Should not be hard to put it back in if you
change your mind.
I personally like the way the finder works without the
mask in place, but there is a little bit of a double image off
to the side ( not in viewing area. ) I think the mask is meant to
hide the work of a prism or mirror that sits in there.
If you need more details than this, I can pull my camera out
and try to remember what I did. ( finder could use a cleaning
too!. )
email;internet:matt at fuzby.com
fn:Matt Uhry
From matt Sun Feb 25 18:17:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Viewfinder mask.
From: matt uhry
Date: Feb 25, 2001 10:17 PST
The subject line got away from me on that last one.
It's pretty easy to get that mask thing out of your viewfinder,
there are not any little springs that fly away as you start
pulling it apart. Should not be hard to put it back in if you
change your mind.
I personally like the way the finder works without the
mask in place, but there is a little bit of a double image off
to the side ( not in viewing area. ) I think the mask is meant to
hide the work of a prism or mirror that sits in there.
If you need more details than this, I can pull my camera out
and try to remember what I did. ( finder could use a cleaning
too!. )
email;internet:matt at fuzby.com
fn:Matt Uhry
From l.camak at att.net Sun Feb 25 20:19:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: New Female Konvas List member!!!
From: l.camak at att.net
Date: Feb 25, 2001 12:19 PST
Funny, I am so close, but I can't stop in to see the new
Lilliana (and 2M? Congrats! I didn't know you were
getting one.). I am at an internet cafe in Amsterdam and
only a short train ride from you, but I continue on to
Norway tomorrow.
As far as the technical questions, it looks as though the
great talents on the list are speaking up. As to your
OTHER noise problem...and as a father of 4 girls(4 yrs,
2yrs, and 2- 8 mo. twins), the best way to blimp that is
to leave town. Ha! Really I miss them all badly, and
wish I was home (I know, guys, most are laughing, but a
few dads are out there who can empathize..Matt, etc?).
Well, I'm gonna go drown my sorrow in a fine Belgium ale
on tap somewhere here in Amsterdam.
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From Peter Mon Feb 26 23:19:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Blimp
From: Peter Ormrod
Date: Feb 26, 2001 15:19 PST
Further to blimp design, does anyone who has gone down this road want to
sell completed blimps on this bulletin board?
Regarding that effective sound deadening material, Jason, do you have any
more information on it, can you cast it in moulds, for example?
From Peter Tue Feb 27 16:45:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Viewfinder matte
From: Peter Ormrod
Date: Feb 27, 2001 08:45 PST
Matt, regarding Matte (ha)
yes please, I would like some guidance as to which part to attack.
From matt Tue Feb 27 18:41:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: How to remove Viewfinder matte
From: matt uhry
Date: Feb 27, 2001 10:41 PST
Hey Peter,
The Matte, Matte Box etc is named after, and
invented by: Rudolph Mate
( shouould be a ' over that "e" )
Shot an number of beautiful and important films including
"Passion of Joan of Arc". Never used a Konvas (died in 1964)
Rudolph Maté
Take a look.
So to get the matte out unscrew the three screws holding the "C" shaped
piece of metal, then the screw that goes through the twist ring. now
can pull the finder apart. Partially remove the three set screws and
the lens / mask element out. remove the mask by unscrwing the ring.
Clean and then re assemble. This should take only about 1/2 hour and
you will need a jewler sized screwdriver for those tiny set screws.
Matt Uhry - Director of Photography
email;internet:matt at fuzby.com
fn:Matt Uhry
From Jason Tue Feb 27 19:06:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Blimp
From: Jason
Date: Feb 27, 2001 11:06 PST
I might attemp this as time permits. I'll post more as the design is
refined. The material is called Dynaliner Max and is neoprene foam
with acoustical lead sandwiched between. It comes in sheets and
is quite costly ($90 for 6 sqft). I am sewing a cordura blimp with the
foam lining the inside. If one wanted to mold a fiberglass shell and
line that, it would work well, too. I am trying to determine the
amount of noise coming from the lens barrel and front to see if it
requires a lens blimp as well (I would prefer to work without one if
possible). More info to follow.
> Further to blimp design, does anyone who has gone down this road want to
> sell completed blimps on this bulletin board?
> Regarding that effective sound deadening material, Jason, do you have any
> more information on it, can you cast it in moulds, for example?
From Joshua Mon Mar 5 06:04:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Lens Mounts
From: Joshua Tunick
Date: Mar 04, 2001 22:04 PST
Hi everyone -
I'm looking at purchasing a 2M and I've read through all of the great posts
on this list. I'd really like to hear what people have done in the area of
machining different lens mounts.
Specifically I'd like to make (or buy) a nixon mount and a PL mount - I
think I read that both of these have been successfully machined.
Thanks for any info,
Joshua Tunick
From Anders Fri Mar 9 19:47:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Introduction
From: Anders Banke
Date: Mar 09, 2001 11:47 PST
Quite a pleasant surprise to find this list on the web.
>From reading the previous postings, seems like an introduction is in
order as first message.
My name is Anders Banke, born and raised in Sweden. I studied film
directing for almost 5 years at VGIK in Moscow, where I developed an
unnervingly deep interest in all things related to cameras and lenses,
and also bought my first 35mm film camera (a Konvas 2M), rapidly
followed by more Russian cameras. I speak fluent Russian.
I (well, my company) currently own two Kinor 35N (35H) (one of which an
anamorphic variant), a Kinor 35S (35C) and a Kinor 35SII (both with
anamorphic viewfinder option), four Konvas 2M, one Konvas 1M (anamorphic
variant), and two 1SKL-M "Temp". My two latest acquisitions were two
2KSK cameras (one an anamorphic variant, one with a rebuilt movement for
optical printer stability). The 2KSK and 2KSK-M cameras are special
effects and high speed cameras (up to 120 fps forward and reverse),
bi-pack option, see-through-the-gate option, animation, shutter variable
while running
etc. They are VERY similar to Mitchell high speed NCs, but with reflex mirror
viewfinders. While waiting to have "proper" high speed crystal motors
made for them, we actually modified a Konvas crystal motor to fit one of
them, and it's working really well...
Oh, and a (mint) Soyuz as well (on display in the office). Beatiful
camera, but a tad heavy (75 kg with the blimp). I call it my
"Anti-Dogme" camera :-).
Lens wise I have several sets (35, 50, 75) of round front anamorphic
lenses, a
set of high speed anamorphic lenses, a few longer anamorphics (100, 150,
200, 300 and 500mm), and a wide angle 22mm anamorphic lens. And a few
square fronts (mostly 35mm, they are excellent for steadicam work!).
A few zooms, and several sets of spherical primes, including high speed
lenses and a few experimental lenses.
I have a few 16mm cameras and lenses as well, that I'm considering
getting rid of (haven't decided yet).
Anyway, the equipment is rented out to various external productions, but
mostly used for our own productions (commercials, music videos etc)
Every now and then I sell "surplus" equipment (to Matt Uhry on this list
among others), and I'm working on / have made several modifications to
the cameras.
As far as the Konvas goes these modifications are:
B&W viewfinder replacing video assist for Steadicam work (available at
$800 each complete, 6 month guarantee).
In development:
Stabilisation pin (to enable speeds up to 60 fps and retain a stable
Internal crystal motor up to 50 or 60 fps.
2-perf Techniscope movement.
a reasonably priced PL mount.
Video assist (that doesn't replace the viewfinder)
So, as you can see, some of my ideas are similar to the "Kinoflex"
camera that I saw mentioned on your board, which isn't all that strange
as they are logical developments to the design.
All these modifications take a VERY long time, since they are not my
main line of business (I'm a director, after all) and are developed in
(my not so copious) spare time by myself and my engineering friends (one
of which built 1 500 Konvas movements in his day - there's a good chance
he built one of yours! :-).
However, if there is a genuine interest from several people in any of
the modifications above it could speed things up a bit, since there
would be a "market" for them, other than for my own use.
Quite a lengthy introduction, yes, but helpful I hope, for anyone that
might have specific questions about Russian camera equipment that I own
(and stuff I don't own too, of course).
Anders Banke
From matt Sat Mar 10 18:29:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Introduction
From: matt uhry
Date: Mar 10, 2001 10:29 PST
Hey Anders,
Glad to have you here! Hows the horror film going?
I used my Konvas 2m and Lomo 20-120 to shoot some
insert shots for a $40m Disney movie ( can't reveal the title
just yet, sorry ) I saw the film projected and the shots matched
really well with the first unit footage that was shot with
Panavision gear.
I am shooting yet another short film with the lomo anamorphics
next month.
Any other Russian camera stories out there?
Matt Uhry - Director of Photography
email;internet:matt at fuzby.com
fn:Matt Uhry
From patrick Sun Mar 11 06:02:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: New Konvas for sale
From: patrick Steele
Date: Mar 10, 2001 22:02 PST
Hi Gang,
I just received this email from Alexander of Stereokino/Ostcam, and thought
I'd pass it along, purely in case someone is interested...
Hi !
We have found the absolutely new complete set of Konvas-2M with motors 17 EP
and kristal speeds 24/25 fr.sec,
It includes inself?:
Drive 17 EP
Magazzines - 120m - 2
60m - 3
Batarrey 12 v 7a/h
Lensses: 28mm; 35mm;50mm;75mm
The cost of all prise - 5950$.
kino at postman.ru
From Anders Mon Mar 12 11:44:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Introduction
From: Anders Banke
Date: Mar 12, 2001 03:44 PST
Hi Matt!
Re: the horror film:
It's really frustrating - we're almost there, and we've got a distributor who
wants to distribute the film theatrically in Scandinavia, and also bring in the
missing cash ($250 000 out of a $900 000 budget). BUT, they recently got bought up
by a major German video distributor, so now every decision has to go through
Berlin, which takes time... So, we're waiting, as per ususal.
Disney inserts? That's really cool! Please let me know which film it is when
you're allowed to do so!
From lael Mon Mar 19 23:19:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: 2M fuses
From: lael camak
Date: Mar 19, 2001 15:19 PST
Hi to all,
I might have posed this question before, but does anyone have a good source
for the 12 volt 5 amp fuses used in the 2M motors? A US equivalent to the
Russian fuse would be nice, but so far I haven't been able to find one
similar in size with the same specs. Anyone else have any luck?
From patrick Tue Mar 20 02:31:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 2M fuses
From: patrick Steele
Date: Mar 19, 2001 18:31 PST
Hi To Lael and the others!
Just after I got my 2M, I tripped the fuse. I searched high and low here and
didn't turn up any. They are a veeerrryyy small and (judging from the
reactions to electrical dealers I showed it to) an unusual find. I ended up
ordering a fistful of fuses from Viktor in Ukraine for not much money.
It shouldn't be hard to a) find a dealer that specializes in European sized
fuses and will sell in quantity. Perhaps the glorious Internet will serve us
here, or b) to entirely replace the fuse and fuse holder with a standard US
version. Anyone try this? Matt Uhry perhaps?
All the best,
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From matt Tue Mar 20 02:43:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 2M fuses
From: matt uhry
Date: Mar 19, 2001 18:43 PST
RE: Fuses,
I've thought of replacing the fuses with standard fuse holders. I probably
will if
I start running really low on them. There is not much space inside the motor
this will not be easy.
How much were the extra fuses? Victor?
From A. Tue Mar 20 09:45:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 2M fuses
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Mar 20, 2001 01:45 PST
Might be able to find those fuses here in HK as we were once under british
rule and certain standards here are still european
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From lael Tue Mar 20 15:28:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 2M fuses
From: lael camak
Date: Mar 20, 2001 07:28 PST
Thanks for the input. Yes, I'm sure Viktor can find some...maybe also
Chester in HK. I was just hoping someone had found an equivalent here.
I'll let all know if I do find one.
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From Viktor Tue Mar 20 21:56:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: 2M fuses
From: Viktor
Date: Mar 20, 2001 13:56 PST
Hi guys,
I will try to find the couple of pounds of fuses for all comers:)
However it will cost less than the shipping cost to US...
From A. Wed Mar 21 02:03:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Zooms for Konvas 2M
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Mar 20, 2001 18:03 PST
I am on the lookout for a nice zoom lens that can be use with a konvas 2M,
does anyone know where to find one?
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From patrick Wed Mar 21 03:03:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Zooms for Konvas 2M
From: patrick Steele
Date: Mar 20, 2001 19:03 PST
Hi Chester and all,
I have a Lomo 37-140mm zoom for a 2M I am considering selling. It is a fair
lens (ain't no Zeiss, but it shoots well)--has seen action, but works. F4. I
had it collminated recently by Anatoly at Slow Motion Inc.
Also, if you try Viktor or Olexandr, you can probably find 20-120mm zooms of
better quality. I think Matt Uhry has one and speaks highly.
All the Best,
>I am on the lookout for a nice zoom lens that can be use with a konvas 2M,
>does anyone know where to find one?
From patrick Wed Mar 21 03:07:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: RE: 2M fuses
From: patrick Steele
Date: Mar 20, 2001 19:07 PST
Hi again,
I propose this: I am getting more gear from Viktor soon and the stuff has to
come to the US anyway, why don't I have him send the fuses to me and I can
send them out to the people who need them? Just send me a couple of bills to
cover the costs and shipping them out again. Sound reasonable? Just let me
All the Best,
>Hi guys,
>I will try to find the couple of pounds of fuses for all comers:)
>However it will cost less than the shipping cost to US...
From matt Wed Mar 21 03:07:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 2M fuses
From: matt uhry
Date: Mar 20, 2001 19:07 PST
Do you want to ship a few pounds out to someone here and he can divy
them up?
I'll throw in fifteen bucks or so to get a lifetime supply
Matt Uhry - Director of Photography
From A. Wed Mar 21 05:40:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Zooms for Konvas 2M
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Mar 20, 2001 21:40 PST
Yes I am interested, how much are you asking it for?
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From patrick Fri Mar 23 20:27:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: 2M Fuse Update
From: patrick Steele
Date: Mar 23, 2001 12:27 PST
Hi gang,
As of today, four people have expressed interest in having fuses from Viktor
in Ukraine sent to me for disbursement. Frank Wylie, Lael Camak, Matt Uhry
and myself need 'em and the total so far is around 200. Viktor is currently
searching for some, but I would like to get him a final count in the next
couple of days. If you think you need them, you probably do. Just post a
message here with quantity, etc.
All the Best,
From A. Sat Mar 24 01:47:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 2M Fuse Update
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Mar 23, 2001 17:47 PST
I would like a couple of dozens as i can't find them here in HK ,
incidentally are you still interested in selling the zoom lens?
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From patrick Sat Mar 24 06:02:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 2M Fuse Update
From: patrick Steele
Date: Mar 23, 2001 22:02 PST
Hi Chester,
Okay, I will put you on the infamous "fuse list". Viktor says they are a
bit archaic, but he will search for them. Hopefully he'll strike the
motherload of fuses there...
Yes, I'm still interested in selling the zoom--I was planning on taking some
photos of it to send you, which I hope to do in the next day. Best for you
to see it, then go from there.
I may also be parting with my 22mm and 28mm 2M primes as well in the next
week or two, as I have newer ones coming in with a Kinor 35H package I am
buying from Viktor. Will notify the list on these, too.
All the Best,
>I would like a couple of dozens as i can't find them here in HK ,
>incidentally are you still interested in selling the zoom lens?
From l.camak at att.net Sat Mar 24 12:40:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 2M Fuse Update
From: l.camak at att.net
Date: Mar 24, 2001 04:40 PST
Will the 2M mounted lenses also work on a Kinor 35? Or
vice versa? I'd heard before that the flange focal
distance was different between the Kinor 35 and the
Konvas. I dunno as I haven't had a Kinor.
Also, does the Kinor 35 require any mod to shoot Kodak
When is that Kinor coming in? I want to see some pics!
From A. Sat Mar 24 15:06:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 2M Fuse Update
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Mar 24, 2001 07:06 PST
Yup me too!!!! do upload some shots of the kinor once you got it, perhaps i
might be able to convince some folks here to get one hehehehe....
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From A. Sun Mar 25 01:35:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: 2M Fuse Update
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Mar 24, 2001 17:35 PST
How are you doing these days? got any new kinors? i am planning a trip to
western sichuan this coming summer and would be interested in field testing
a kinor 16mm while on the road, i understand that the camera has only one
speed which is 24fps crystal, do you think that is a liability? also is the
camera compact and light enough to carry around without being noticed? i
like the fact that one can shoot both 400ft and 100 ft daylight spools. as
of now i have a few 16mm cameras at my disposal, this includes a scoopic MS
an arri BL and beaulieu R16s carrying a BL to china on an unofficial shoot
particularly the tibetan regions would be difficult, so i am limited to
using a scoopic however the scoopic has a limited range of lens which is
very much to it's disadvantage that is why i am looking into the kinor, i
also have the K3 but i wasnt too keen with it neither do i have a good range
of lenses for it, i used the beaulieu in india and i thought it was far too
clumsy to load on the field do let me know what your thoughts abut these
and do let me know if the kinors are easier to load...
join the Konvas Discussion List (now at http://konvas.org)
From lael Mon Mar 26 17:09:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: (no subject)
From: lael camak
Date: Mar 26, 2001 09:09 PST
Hi all,
Anders tried to leave this response to my questions but it didn't go through
from the email account he was using. I'm posting it now so all can have the
benefit of the answer.
Hello everyone!
Citerar l.camak at att.net:
> Patrick,
> Will the 2M mounted lenses also work on a Kinor 35? Or vice versa?
All Kinor 35 lenses fit the 2M, but not all 2M lenses
fit the Kinor (see below).
> I'd heard before that the flange focal
> distance was different between the Kinor 35 and the
> Konvas. I dunno as I haven't had a Kinor.
The flange focal distance is exactly the same. However,
as on the Kinor 35 the angle between the mirror and the
mount isn't 45 degrees as is the standard in most
cameras (including the 2M), but less than that, some 2M
lens backs will make unwanted contact with the mirror.
To avoid this, the Kinor 35 mount is designed not to
accept these lenses. Most 2M lenses between 22mm and
75mm will fit a Kinor, whereas a 150mm lens will not.
The newer the lens, the more likely it is to fit both
> Also, does the Kinor 35 require any mod to shoot Kodak
> film?
Yes, it needs to be modified for Kodak neg perfs. I
hope Viktor's done that for you beforehand, as it'll be
expensive to do in the States...
From lael Mon Mar 26 17:09:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Kinor 16mm
From: lael camak
Date: Mar 26, 2001 09:09 PST
I'm supposed to get in 2 Kinors this week. I hope to keep one for myself.
The speed is 25fps, not 24. Tobin can convert it to 24/25/30fps for $800.
I may have located some others who can do so as well. I'm waiting on prices
and options.
The camera is fairly small and compact. Especially with the smaller mag.
Still, I'd say it was similar in size to an Arri SR. It seems plenty light
enough for me to shoulder. Of course its not as small as a Scoopic.
Sorry, I've never shot with a Beaulieu so I couldn't compare how the Kinor
loads. It doesn't seem to be too difficult though. I'll try to send you
some pics of the interior of the mags when these arrive.
Anyone else have anything to report on these cameras?
Your trip sounds very interesting. I hope it all works out. I'll let you
know as soon as the cameras arrive.
From Anders Mon Mar 26 19:30:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Kinor 16mm
From: Anders Banke
Date: Mar 26, 2001 11:30 PST
lael camak wrote:
> I'm supposed to get in 2 Kinors this week. I hope to keep one for myself.
> The speed is 25fps, not 24. Tobin can convert it to 24/25/30fps for $800.
There ARE in fact original crystal motors for the Kinor 16, although they're
quite rare. They're slightly bigger than the mechanically stabilised standard
motors, and a bit quieter.
There's only one speed, 25 fps.
I also had one of my ordinary motors modified to non-crystal variable speed
(7-48 fps), and that's working really well, too (it's switchable between
variable and 25 fps stabilized).
> It seems plenty light
> enough for me to shoulder.
It is in fact quite ergonomic (although it looks a bit odd).
> Sorry, I've never shot with a Beaulieu so I couldn't compare how the Kinor
> loads. It doesn't seem to be too difficult though. I'll try to send you
> some pics of the interior of the mags when these arrive.
The mags, once you get the hang of it, are very easy to load. Also, there's no
need to think about loop sizes, since once put on the camera, the gate is
pushed back and a perfect loop is formed automatically.
From patrick Mon Mar 26 19:54:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Kinors
From: patrick Steele
Date: Mar 26, 2001 11:54 PST
Hi Lael, Chester, Anders and everyone else!
Sorry I haven't written in a few days---my time this weekend seemed to disappear! Interesting threads, however:
Yes, Anders is completely correct re: switching lenses between the Kinor 35H and the Konvas 2M. The info I received from Viktor corroborates this.
I seemed to have forgotten about the adjustment for the type of film! Thanks for the reminder! I will check with Viktor on this point.
The Kinor 16mm cameras are very interesting to me. Would love to hear info about shooting with one. How is the noise of this camera? Can you shoot sync sound without blimping one? How's the quality of the zoom?
All the Best,
From Anders Mon Mar 26 20:04:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Kinors
From: Anders Banke
Date: Mar 26, 2001 12:04 PST
> The Kinor 16mm cameras are very interesting to me. Would love to hear
> info about shooting with one. How is the noise of this camera?
Roughly 39dB.
> Can you shoot sync sound without blimping one?
Close up of an intimate love scene with a wide angle lens? No.
Otherwise, possibly yes. A soft blimp is recommended for most indoor
> How's the quality of the zoom?
The 16 OPF12-1?
Zeiss. More or less.
From l.camak at att.net Mon Mar 26 20:29:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Kinor 16mm
From: l.camak at att.net
Date: Mar 26, 2001 12:29 PST
You wrote:
>I also had one of my ordinary motors modified to non-
crystal variable speed
(7-48 fps), and that's working really well, too (it's
switchable between
variable and 25 fps stabilized).
Would like to hear some more details on this if
possible. Where could the work be done? Approximate
price? Would be nice to have one do this and be
switchable to 24fps crystal. I'd even be happy with two
motors, one variable and one crystal at 24. Tobin's mod
that I mentioned is crystal for 24/25/30fps.
From Anders Tue Mar 27 08:49:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Kinor 16mm
From: Anders Banke
Date: Mar 27, 2001 00:49 PST
> You wrote:
> Would like to hear some more details on this if
> possible. Where could the work be done?
I had mine done in Moscow.
> Approximate
> price?
Can't remember, it was a long time ago.
> Would be nice to have one do this and be
> switchable to 24fps crystal. I'd even be happy with two
> motors, one variable and one crystal at 24.
I have a few extra motors lying around. I'm off to Moscow again on
Monday - I'll check the cost for variable (non crystal, but stable!)
speed mod and get back to you with the cost including motor.
From A. Tue Mar 27 10:55:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Kinor 16mm
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Mar 27, 2001 02:55 PST
I'm interested with the motors as i am planning on getting a kinor16 as well
do keep us posted
From A. Fri Mar 30 01:26:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Camera tests
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Mar 29, 2001 17:26 PST
Ok folks, i have been playing with my 2M recently, learning to load the =
mag based from the online instructions from commiecam. i used an old =
35mm stock that has never been loaded on a camera. the mag is not that =
difficult to load as i previously thought, maybe a little bit of =
patience would help....and yup i took a cigarette break after managing =
to insert the film oalong the runners.
i was able to load the camera in a loading bag after a few practice runs =
and now comes the time to run the film with the camera. having ran the =
entire length of the film which is about 50ft i checked the film =
emulsion for scratches and other defects, happily there were none but i =
noticed a curious vertical fold at every 6 inches, the folds are gentle =
enough so as not to damage the emulsion, however it sort of bugs me as i =
am not sure if such as fold will cause the image tp degrade. i tried to =
load the mag again this time with fresh stock of film at about 15ft, =
carefully loading the mag and running the camera and surprisingly those =
mysterious vertical folds were gone, any ideas as to what caused the =
folds in the first place? i have loaded the mag several times after =
that and so far the results have been good , however i would like to =
know what caused those folds to appear and just want to make sure it =
does not happen again...
also i am planning on doing a series of tests, i would be planning on =
doing a registration test and i would like to know if anyone has done =
such a test on the konvas before ? also has anyone done a more extensive =
test on the camera before?
From Jason Fri Mar 30 20:08:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Camera tests
From: Jason
Date: Mar 30, 2001 12:08 PST
On 29 Mar 01, at 22:49, A. Chester Ong wrote:
Would too large or small of loops cause this Patrick? You would
hear more noise from the film in either case (more with too small).
Where any perfs broken or distorted?
From patrick Sat Mar 31 00:20:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Camera tests
From: patrick Steele
Date: Mar 30, 2001 16:20 PST
It's possible the loop size could cause this. It's also possible that film
is piling up somewhere in the mag while running which creates the folds. I
had a 400 foot magazine jam frequently before having it serviced; it would
pile the film up in the little spacebetween the bottom of the pressure plate
and the drive take up sprocket. Talk about folding the film!
>Would too large or small of loops cause this Patrick? You would
>hear more noise from the film in either case (more with too small).
>Where any perfs broken or distorted?
From A. Sat Mar 31 00:38:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Re: Camera tests
From: A. Chester Ong
Date: Mar 30, 2001 16:38 PST
When we refer to the loop size, we are thern refereing to the loop at the
lower end of the mag towards the take up? when i encountered these folds,
that was when i loaded the film for the first time in a changing bag ,
unfortunately i wasnt able to determine whether it was caused by a loop
however Patrick may be right about the possibility that film was piling up
somewhere and thus causing the telltale folds, although later attempts didnt
show the folds anymore. my suspiscion is that the film may not have caught
onto one of the sprockets or probably a much too large loop between the
pressure plates and the drive take up sprocket
what i did after later attempts was to make sure that the loop is of the
correct size, basically if the loop can fit my index finger then i would
assume it will not touch one end of the mags side doors and the sprockets
engaged accordingly.
Btw, where did you get your mag serviced?
I think it would be great to include some info on where to get the konvases
serviced as i will soon subject the konvas onto a registration test, my
problem here is that so far only 3 persons in HK happens to own a konvas and
i doubt if any of the DPs and camera techies inHK has ever seen one.
From patrick Sat Mar 31 03:43:00 2001
To: the konvas discussion list
Subject: Konvas Servicing
From: patrick Steele
Date: Mar 30, 2001 19:43 PST
Hi Chester,
Well, I am not sure about facilites in europe or Asia who service these
cameras, but here in the US there are a couple. Of course, I have used Slow
Motion Inc. in Los Angeles several times. I think Jason who's on this group
has used Cinema Engineering in North Hollywood and there's a guy at Advanced
Camera who has experience with them.
How about it, gang? Who else can we add to this list?