[Konvas] How's your Fall been? Are you ready for Winter?

Stanley Bullock obscureimages at comcast.net
Tue Dec 17 15:54:36 CST 2019

Good to see that the forum is still around. Have been wondering about it recently. Good to hear from some people!

My fall has been going pretty well. Busy, but can't complain.
My partners and I have been working on an anthology horror film in the tradition of 1970s Amicus Productions. We shot a number of days this past summer. Two of the shorts are complete and two are being edited at present. A fifth will be shot this spring. It's mostly just an excuse to shoot something and experiment around with different things. It's being taken fairly seriously though and we'll try to market the finished product the best we can. It has all manner of formats in it - Super 8, 16/S16, 35, and numerous video sources from SD to 4K. We're definitely having some fun with it. I'll keep y'all posted on our progress.

Definitely hope everyone is well and keeping busy. Would love to hear what everyone has going on. Have a great holiday season! Hard to believe the oughts and teens of the 21st century are history already. Crazy! Cheers!

Stanley Scott Bullock

obscureimages at comcast.net

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